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Hn/< 2N_POpE.N1x .~m .Zlj .Zm R.|@nR.n 9 eHn/< 2N1PO. HxHnN1PO-@Jmf.N1B .~m* .Zm". 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CXm(p@Ю./< D/< sN1PO | s N^Nu ."| C q`NqNV# # # sN^NuNVH$nJf$y st` Ѐ"ЁHH0Ё$HH"|0 1f-B -f4t` Ѐ"ЁHH0Ё$RHH"|0 1f-Bt .f4t` Ѐ"ЁHH0Ё$RHH"|0 1f . e 9 S-@ . e 9 S-@`R"y A" .cJfLN^NuNqNVHp |f . IN_# {# {B |B9 Ep# {# I . n /( y t/(x/< IN#O . {/< {p/B/. /.NAO# {Jl 9 "e".0/9 h n //< IN1O y tJ|gJ0f<. hN`$@. n/ n /(HR/< I y t/(|N1O`>$90.Nc. n/ n /(/< I y t/(|N1O#0 9 hLN^Nup# |# J . /9 l y t/(x/< J$N#O -y , o #, .N$# Jmpd. N1rf. /./< J.NtPO# J6 . /9 l y t/(x/< J@N#O .N$m@pd. N1rg^pd. N1rf n(g<./< JJNXO.NP$m./< JONXO.N2$m. tHnHn/< JTNu$O y t h$ g n(fHn/./< JWNvO `,Hn .@fp,`p://9 /./< JfNHO# Jz . /9 l y t/(x/< JN#O .Nt$mpd. N1rf.NpK` fp` (g.NrpL`.NdpE`NVH$n n.HR/< JNPO# J . /9 l y t/(x/< JN#O .N$mpd. N1rf pKLN^Nupd. N1rfp` &g 'g )fpC` (g *fpE`pL`NVH$n ./< JNXO# J . /9 l y t/(x/< JN#O .N$mpd. N1rg *g bg f. t/./9 { j`NPO./9 {/< JN PO. t/./9 { jdNPO n.&/< J/9 {N1POJ $gJ pf. J/< N`XO# J . /9 l y t/(x/< JN#O .N$mpd. N1rf pKLN^Nu fp` (g *fpE`pL`NVH$n-y0J {gp |g p |f./< JNXO.NzJ |gf. {N1F. {N1F#0# {# {B | j./9 {N@pXO-@Jg. j//< JN_POLN^NuNVHJ {g . {N1L 9 "e . KN1 n(gb <LN^Nu 94 wfJ9 Ef. w/< EN1XO fp |g# |.NB0 ` y tJ|g .|N1LJ |f <`. {Hx/< wN PO$@ fJ0fph#0 y tJ|g4.0Nc. n//9 l/< K y t/(|N1O 9d "eN1. /< K'p/N QJPOB |.Np`p./< wN XO y tJ|g9 wHH./< K*N1&XO @ gxJ {g. l/< K- y t/(|N1POB {J9 sg. s/< KC y t/(|N1POB9 s. w/< KK y t/(|N1POJ $g"J pf. w/< KS/< N`PO 9- wg@9 wHH"|0 1g&. wN1V$pdl` NVA-H././< sN TPO 9 "dJ $g"J pf. s/< KV/< N`POJ {g4J f | Kb` n h&./< s/< K]/9 {N1O N^NuNVH Jg"&n$K` "fJ ffBL N^NuNVH $nt` gRRf L N^NuNVH $n.N1 r2m.p#0.N1 ./< KN_XO L N^Nu&| |`8`4JgPHH.N1RJHH"|0 1HHr€g`HH"|0 1HHr€fJg`B | |`NVH$..N1B$@ f. KN_N1.BHRN1xPO J LN^NuNVH $n`XJJfXJ n" .N&@ n" ./HSN1rPOJ g,$K`$./N1 XOR/NTXO/N1XO$XJJf K L N^NuNVH$n`N 9, e./< LN1`,S0m y0R0r `.0p /N1XO.NJfS0m y0R0r LN^Nu.0p /N1XO`NVH. HHr€f,HH"|0 1gHH.N1LN^NuHH`NVH $nf. L` f. L!N1L N^Nu f6*HH"|0 1g J*f*HH./< L(N1XO`&| $`*+f A.HH//< L,N1PO`TKJfJ Kf@S0m& y0R0r"`$ y0R0`.0p"/N1XOgHHr€g2S0m y0R0r\`.0p\/N1XO  m m2S0m y0R0r^`.0p^/N1XO @S0lR.0HH/N1XO`\J Kf.S0m y0R0r"`.0p"/N1XO.0N1L`RNVH $nv fVL N^Nu "fJfp`p&`4Jf0HHr€f$HH"|0 1gHH.N1RJg`NVH $n&n *f2RJ`. &f&. HSN1XOHH.N1JgRK`Jg ,g ;g %fBL N^NuNVHn/.N1tPOJm"p0.갮 fp0.fpN^NuB0p`NVHp ./.N1&XO$@ gc * fSJJ f BLN^NuNVHtp lF Ѐ"Ё.NB0. /.N1RXO$@ fp0g p0fR`B0 J LN^NuNVH$n n (@H-@Jg&J` gRKHHf n (-@p .HRN1&XO&@ fp.N1 G``I .f0Jg* n Sm n "hRp.`. p./N1XO n.&HRHx/< L2/. N1O$L oJf .f0Jg* n Sm n "hRp.`. p./N1XOf n.&/< L:/. N1PO`$ n.&HR //< L=/. N1O$K  fRJJfLN^NuNVHp l". y t/(x/< LDp/N QJO .N1$l(p l.0/./< LRp/N QJO LN^NuNVH p o`J g-y `J g(. |6N1JfB/< /9 N(PO$@`0B0./. /.N1PO&@p0f n( f n( f n( g.NR gl&n`RKJf n L N^Nu. tps/NxXO @-Hf-| Le./< Lkp/N QJPOB0. LN_ nB`NVp./< |6N1XON^NuNVH $. $nS nSm n"hR@H` .N1&pgp fF nSm n"hR@H` .N1&p gpg./N1XOv So p ftR nSm n"hR@H` .N1&pg./N1XOp g(p g B" n L N^Nu`NVHnN1XO .N^NuNVH$nJgHH./< LN1&XO @ g pLN^Nup`NVH$nt` HH0$ 0m 7o LN^NuNVB0HnN1XO-@Jo 9 e./< LN1XOJl p0f .fJlp-@ .N^NuNVHp-@Sm, ."n$1 ."n 1ĀgpLN^Nup`NVp-@Sm ."nJgpN^Nup`NVH$n-y Kp# K.N# KLN^NuNV. N1. L/9 NXO @-HgXO"n"p"n"i"n"./.N * XO n "n"i ܰ fh n h (fT n h JgF./. n h /(N1lPOJf& n"n"i "i n h (N^Nu n"n"i. N1-@-@`pg( ."Ё"n"i C<-q ."nfF .찮fXO nB( nJ( fN1N1 nJ( g.N< nB( N^NuNV nJg. hNp.N1xN^Nu. /< Pp/<0N1PO`Nq _  ONNVH 0&ng J fr#0p`$/+ E1HN/ N/N1BL N^NuNqNVH00B/.N1$POlB`Hy |l/N1POJf09 |p@ @@g/N1Br#0B`bHxG1BN$@XOgHx N%@ XOf.&90g / N1HXO/N1B#0B`$BB L N^NuNqNVH $ng J fr#0B`^"*m BBJf$Hx /* /N C8%@ nB` j 4(ժJg LN^NuNV .rҀ @RHJgRHcJfDN^NuNVH?<..*. (nf|`Hy |/N1POJf09 |@ @@g|`HxB/N1-@ m*y0&EfHxHy |/N1, |f|0gJoE |( |`rJRghHjNvր|Ɔ Ѓ"ҌXOd|`RB0&  |Ю'@7C*B* CHhHjHk N1B bd@|#0p` #0 L. PHx/< N1PO @-HfJ`8B`"RJ` ld&. PHRN,XO$@ f gJg  g  f`B | `NVH $n`"&n `f J L N^NuRKJfRJfڑ`NVH BN LpN L$@ gL./.N1XOJg&jJg./.N1XOJgXK`J g. /* N1XOJfN L J L N^NuNqNVp PfB/< PN1XO# PlpN^NuHnHxS/9 PN1O `NqNVp PfB/< PN1XO# PlpN^NuHnHxS/9 PN1O `NqNVp PfB/< PN1XO# PlpN^NuHnHxS/9 PN1O `NqNVp PfB/< PN1XO# PlpN^NuHnHxS/9 PN1O `NqNVp PfB/< PN1XO# PlpN^NuHnHxS/9 PN1O `NqNVp PfB/< PN1XO# PlpN^NuHnHxS /9 PN1O `NqNVp PfB/< [N1XO# PlpN^NuHnHxS/9 PN1O `NqNVH $n&n $.`SJo g L N^NuNqNVJ [f(. [/< [N1RXO# [ . [N^Nu. [N1`NVJ [gJ [f. [N1FB [N^NuNVH J [f. [/< [N1RXO @# [fȑ L N^Nu n #g. [/.NXO$@ gB# r. [/.NXO-@Jgr nRB`R n  g  g. [/.NXO$@ g:B.N1Vr2.N N# z# ~ | # v&H. [`>. [Hx/< pN1PO @-Hf(`B`"RJ` d&. [HRN,XO$@ f gJg  g  f`B | r`NVH $n`"&n `f J L N^NuRKJfRJfڑ`NqNV .N^NuNVJ f .m .ropN^Nup# .N1 R.N1B# ./N1XO# $# (#sysl [./9 [N1XO# [rf `p`NVN1-@rgJf9 'g6p`4pN^NuHnN1XO-@gpfJfp`p`p@@./< ]N1XO-@rf p.N1xN1D. ]/.N1^XO @-Hf p.N1xHnN1XOHnN1XO-@ n -@JmplB`R n-hmplB n( gz nA. ."| \`/1 ."| [/1 n/( n//( n/(/( n ("| \/1/( /< ]/.N1O,`n nA. ."| \`/1 ."| [/1 n//( n/(/( n ("| \/1/( /< ]/.N1O(.N1L.N1F.N1BBN1x`NVp-@p-@A-HA-HJ gDJf-y ( .m, .rn nr . nHhN1XO. ^ nHhN1XO.4/.0/.,/.(/.$/. /././././. B nHhN1&PO/N1O, nA.N1 "n#@ n n!n n!y $N1"n#@ p [gD9 'g <`p.p"nЩ//./9 [N1O Jl9 'g .NpN^Nup`p`Nq Tue Mar 17 22:43:55 EST 1992 @(#)alias.c 5.21 (Berkeley) 6/1/90 (with DBM)@(#)$Id: alias.c,v 1991/08/08 22:13:25 paul Exp $ (with DBM)alias(%s) %s (%s, %s) aliased to %s aliased to %saliaslookup("%s") => %s NOT_FOUNDCannot open %s@.pagrebuilding alias databaserebuilding alias databasealias database out of dateWarning: alias database out of datealias database %srebuilt by %sautor+Can't open %s Alias file is already being rebuilt.pagcannot make %s.pagcannot make %sNon-continuation line starts with spacemissing colonillegal alias name%s... bad addresscannot alias non-local namesMailer al.q_mailer: Mailer LocalMailer: DBM store of %s (size %d) failed@%d aliases, longest (%s) %d bytes, %d bytes total%d aliases, longest (%s) %d bytes, %d bytes totalforward(%s) forward: no homez/.forwardforwardingNull MAILER pointer m_name (symbolic name) %s NULLm_mailer (pathname) %s NULLm_flags BITMAP: %X m_mno (internal mailer number) %d m_argv (template argument vector): "%s" m_se_rwset (rewriting ruleset for envelope senders): %d m_sh_rwset (rewriting ruleset for header senders): %d m_re_rwset (rewriting ruleset for envelope recipients): %d m_rh_rwset (rewriting ruleset for header recipient): %d m_eol (end of line string) %s NULLm_maxsize (size limit on message to this mailer): %ld @(#)arpadate.c 5.11 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: arpadate.c,v 1991/06/28 05:52:38 paul Exp $UTGMTEDTESTCDTCSTMDTMSTPDTPST%s: arpatounix: unparseable date: %s%s: arpatounix: asctime failed: %s@(#)clock.c 5.8 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: clock.c,v 1991/06/21 12:36:40 paul Exp $setevent: intvl=%ld setevent: intvl=%ld, for=%ld, func=%x, arg=%d, ev=%x clrevent: ev=%x tick: now=%ld tick: ev=%x, func=%x, arg=%d, pid=%d @(#)collect.c 5.9 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: collect.c,v 1991/06/21 12:37:55 paul Exp $ } wCannot create %s354Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itselfFrom EOH collect: unexpected close on connection from %s: %mcollect: unexpected close, from=%scollect: unexpected close, from=%stoccbccapparently-toAdding Apparently-To: %s apparently-torCannot reopen %sw MAIL DELETED BECAUSE OF LACK OF DISK SPACE 452 Out of disk space for temp filecollect: Cannot write %s/dev/nullwSunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDeceatfrom(%s) @(#)conf.c 5.26 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: conf.c,v 1991/06/21 12:38:29 paul Exp $    * 1 6 ? I [ e h r u " *      050451554554  &?resent-senderresent-fromresent-reply-tosenderfromreply-tofull-namereturn-receipt-toerrors-totoresent-toccresent-ccbccresent-bccapparently-tomessage-idresent-message-idmessagetextdateresent-datereceivedviamail-fromx400-received/usr/lib/sendmail.cf/usr/lib/sendmail.fc/etc/sendmail.pidnobodynobodyWho are you?postmasterLoad average: getloadavg() returned -1 Load average: %3.1f reapchild: wait (pid = %d) @(#)convtime.c 5.4 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: convtime.c,v 1991/06/21 12:40:29 paul Exp $zero seconds%d+%02d:%02d:%02d, %d week%ss, %d day%ss, %d hour%ss, %d minute%ss, %d second%ss@(#)daemon.c 5.36 (Berkeley) 6/1/90 (with daemon mode)@(#)$Id: daemon.c,v 1991/08/12 17:52:32 paul Exp $ (with daemon mode)smtptcpserver "smtp" unknowngetrequests: port 0x%x getrequests: can't create socketcannot get connectiongetrequests: cannot bindgetrequests: cannot listengetrequests: %d rejecting connections: load average: %.2fWaiting for connectiongetrequests: acceptgetrequests: forking (fd = %d) getrequests: forking (pid = %d) daemon: cannot fork[%s]rwgetreq: returning connected, pid=%dInvalid numeric domain spec "%s"smtptcpmakeconnection: server "smtp" unknownmakeconnection (%s [%s]) makeconnection: no socketmakeconnection: %d makeconnection: funny failure, addr=%lx, port=%x%srwmakeconnection: *outfile or *infile NULLlocalhostmaphostname(%s, %d) => %.*s NOT_FOUNDmaphostname(%s, %d) => %.*s NOT_FOUNDdatabase '%c' has not been definedmapinit(%c) => NO_FILE %s%s.pagsomebody removed %s for db '%c'mapinit(%c) => FILE_REMOVED database '%c' [%s] has changed; reopening it can't open database '%c' [%s]mapinit(%c) => CAN'T OPEN %s can't stat %smapinit(%c) => FILE_REMOVED mapkey('%c', "%s", "%s") => --NOT_FOUND [ no arg ] %s [%s] %s => %s [ no arg expected ] %s mapkey: strlen(lowkey) (%d) > %d mapkey: strlen(lowkey) (%d) > %d mapkey: result "%s" too long after expansion %s @(#)deliver.c 5.38 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: deliver.c,v 1991/08/12 02:36:50 paul Exp $         ( A F P g        2 K {      $ 3 A WIMPOSSIBLEhangupinterruptquitillegal instructiontrace trapIOT instructionEMT instructionfloating point exceptionkillbus errorsegmentation violationbad argument to system callwrite on a pipe with no one to read italarm clocksoftware termination signalurgent condition present on socketstopstop signal generated from keyboardcontinue after stopchild status has changedbackground read attempted from control terminalbackground write attempted to control terminalI/O is possible on a descriptorcpu time limit exceededfile size limit exceededvirtual time alarmprofiling timer alarmwindow changedresource lostuser-defined signal 1user-defined signal 2 --deliver, mailer=%d, host=`%s', first user=`%s' queuedqueuedf-f-rgToo many parameters to %s before $u send to Message is too large; %ld bytes max,deliver: pv overflow after $u for %sConnecting to %s (%s)...Connecting to %s (%s)...Cannot send message for %s%sendmailer %s: wait%s died because of %s (%d)--requeueing messageunknown error codeopenmailer:[LPC][IPC][TCP]non-clever IPCConnecting to %s (%s)...Found non-existent host %s in MX records for %sopenmailer: pipe (to mailer)openmailer: pipe (from mailer)openmailer: forking (pid = %d) openmailer: cannot forkCannot dup to zero!Cannot exec %swr250 Sent554 unknown mailer error %d: delay=%s, stat=%sdelay=%s, stat=%s, mailer=%s%s: to=%.*s(cont'd), %s%s: to=%s, %sl k%s!%sgNo `!' in UUCP envelope "from" address! (%s)From %s d remote from %s rputbody: Cannot open %s for %s from %s<<< No Message Collected >>>From putbody: read errorputbody: write errormailfile: forking (pid = %d) rmailfile: Cannot open %s for %s from %sa SENDALL: mode %c, sendqueue: sendall: too many hops %d (%d max): from %s, to %ssendall: forking (pid = %d) deliverableChecking owner-owner-ownerErrors to %s @(#)domain.c 5.22 (Berkeley) 6/1/90 (without name server)@(#)$Id: domain.c,v 1991/06/21 12:46:31 paul Exp $ (without name server)@(#)envelope.c 5.22 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: envelope.c,v 1991/06/21 12:47:26 paul Exp $postmasterdropenvelope %x id= flags=%o dropenvelope, id=%s, flags=%o, pid=%d(none)Return receipt%d%d%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%s: openx%s (no)Can't create %swsetsender(%s) from=%s unparseable, received from %sUnparseable username %s wants from=%ssetsender: can't even parse postmaster!HOMEcannot prescan from (%s)cannot prescan from (%s)@@(#)err.c 5.10 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: err.c,v 1991/06/21 12:47:57 paul Exp $%s: SYSERR: %sNOQUEUE%s %s %s %3.3s%c%s: line %d: %s... : %s during with Host %s is downConnection refused by %sError %d%W%@(#)$Id: getloadavg.c,v 1.16 1991/06/21 12:51:15 paul Exp $ @Pavenrun/unix/dev/kmem@(#)headers.c 5.15 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: headers.c,v 1991/06/26 21:43:28 paul Exp $chompheader: %s chompheader: syntax error, line "%s"chompheader: syntax error, line "%s"resent-from----- collected header ----- %s: %s %%% overflow headers %%% distribution:; (see end of body)distribution:; (see end of body)message-id%s: message-id=%s---------------------------- %%% end overflow headers %%% precedencereturn-receipt-toerrors-tofull-nameposted-datedatelocal%.90s (%s)%s: from=%s, size=%ld, class=%d, received from %scrackaddr(%s) <gcrackaddr=>`%s' %s: commaize(%s: %s) %s: , , @(#)macro.c 5.7 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: macro.c,v 1991/05/20 02:40:07 paul Exp $expand() expand ==> define(%c as ) .()<>@,;:\"[]@(#) Copyright (c) 1988 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)main.c 5.31 (Berkeley) 7/20/90@(#)$Id: main.c,v 1991/08/06 18:17:12 paul Exp $@(#)sendmail.h 5.16 6/1/90@(#)$Id: sendmail.h,v 1991/06/24 16:23:29 paul Exp $ $2 $T@(#)useful.h 4.6 (Berkeley) 6/1/9@(#)$Id: useful.h,v 1991/06/24 20:18:55 paul Exp $@(#)def.h 1.1 (Berkeley) 2/17/91@(#)$Id: def.h,v 1.11 1991/06/21 12:44:33 paul Exp $ $ $ $*+-=~% ^ #@:>?|.[]()&! @(#)conf.h 5.17 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: conf.h,v 1991/06/25 05:26:29 paul Exp $main: reentered!HOSTALIASESLOCALDOMAIN/dev/nullsendmail-Csendmail.cf-bz-bd-q-Zsendmail.fc-d0-99.1Version %s NAMEcanonical name: %s a.k.a.: %s newaliasesmailqsmtpdbsmtpPermission deniedInvalid operation mode %c0-99.1No "from" personMore than one "from" personBad -F flagBad hop count (%s)Permission deniedUse only one of -q, -R, -S, and -MBad -%c flagFjlocalNo local mailer definedprogNo prog mailer definedcannot chdir(%s)mailer %d (%s): P=%s S=%d/%d R=%d/%d M=%ld F= E= ADDRESS TEST MODE Enter
[Note: No initial ruleset 3 call] > daemon: cannot forkRecipient names must be specifiedFrom person = "%s" ====finis: stat %d e_flags %o finis, pid=%dCannot freeze %sCannot freeze %sCannot open frozen config file %s: %mCannot read frozen config fileEdataEndVersionDatecompiledWrong version of frozen config file (%s mismatch) Wrong version of frozen config file (%s mismatch)Cannot break to %xCannot read frozen config fileCannot read freeze file disconnect: In %d Out %d don't m/dev/nullr/dev/nullwin background, pid=%d@(#)parseaddr.c 5.13 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: parseaddr.c,v 1991/06/25 04:47:05 paul Exp $ !"3$ "3$ --parseaddr(%s) cannot resolve nameparseaddr-->address contained invalid control char(s)prescan: Address too longc=%c, s=%d; Unbalanced ')'Unbalanced '>'ns=%02o tok=prescan: too many tokensUnbalanced '('Unbalanced '<'Unbalanced '"'o()<>,;\" rewrite: ruleset %2d input:address causes rewrite loop: <%s>-----trying rule:Looping on ruleset %d, rule %dap=, rp= expanding runtime macro '%c' to "%s" (null)----- rule fails Loop in ruleset %d, rule %d (too many matches)-----rule matches:rewrite: ruleset %d: replacement #%c out of bounds$%c: %x="%s" rewrite: expansion too longrewrite: expansion too longexpanding runtime macro '%c' to "%s" (null)rewrite: cannot prescan %s: %snew hostnamedbm lookup resultrewritten as:rewrite: ruleset %2d returns:-----callsubr %d buildaddr: no neterror buildaddr: error: no user buildaddr: unknown mailer %sbuildaddr: no hostbuildaddr: no user%x=%s: mailer %d (%s), host `%s', user `%s', ruser `%s' next=%x, flags=%o, alias %x home="%s", fullname="%s" [NULL] remotename(%s) g@khremotename => `%s' !!!!@(#)queue.c 5.30 (Berkeley) 6/1/90 (with queueing)@(#)$Id: queue.c,v 1991/06/24 14:26:25 paul Exp $ (with queueing)queueup: cannot create temp file %squeueup: temp file %s exists, sleepingcannot flock(%s)wcannot fdopen(%s)queueing %s queueup: cannot create %swcannot fdopen(%s)P%ld T%ld D%s M%s rs%c%c%s S%s C%s R%s queuedqueuedqueueing C%s E%s fH%s: %s %s: %s cannot link(%s, %s), df=%s%s: queueup, qf=%s, df=%sSkipping queue run -- load average too high runqueue: forking (pid = %d) running queue: %srunqueue %s, pid=%d.orderq: cannot open "%s" as "."rorderq: cannot open %s (%d) %32s: pri=%ld dowork: %s pri %ld Skipping %s dowork: forking (pid = %d) dowork: cannot fork%s: dowork, pid=%dr+readqf: no control file %s%s: locked Running %s +++++ %s rreadqf: cannot open %sreadqf(%s:%d): bad line "%s"Mail queue is empty Mail Queue (%d request%ss, only %d printed) --QID-- --Size-- -Priority- ---Q-Time--- -----------Sender/Recipient----------- ) --QID-- --Size-- -----Q-Time----- ------------Sender/Recipient------------ r%7s*X %8ld %10ld %.12s %.38s%8ld %.16s %.45s (%.60s)) %.38s %.45s (no control file) qfAA%05dqueuename: trying "%s" queuename: Cannot create "%s" in "%s"queuename: Cannot create "%s" in "%s"queuename: assigned id %s, env=%x %s: assigned id%cf%squeuename: %s %s: unlockSet controlling user for `%s' to `%s' Restored controlling user for `%s' to `%s' @(#)readcf.c 5.21 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: readcf.c,v 1991/08/06 18:17:12 paul Exp $rcannot open %sinvalid rewrite line "%s"bad ruleset %d (%d max)%s%sunknown control line "%s"too many %c lines, %d maxrrcannot open %s%s added to class %d `=' expectedinvalid rewrite set, %d maxinvalid rewrite set, %d maxtoo many mailers defined (%d max) ----Rule Set %d: LHS:RHS:setoption %c=%s (ignored) deiLmorsv (unsafe)(Resetting uid) aliasesUnknown delivery mode %csendmail.hfOption N is obsolete (ON in sendmail.cf or -oN on command line)mqueuesendmail.st%s added to class %d @(#)recipient.c 5.18 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: recipient.c,v 1991/08/08 22:13:13 paul Exp $sendto: %s ctladdr= recipient: aliasing/forwarding loop brokenCannot mail directly to programs%s in sendq: duplicate suppressed:include:Cannot mail directly to :include:sincluding file %s sendingCannot mail directly to files%s password entry for "%s" foundcan't findrCannot open %sCannot fstat %s!%s to %sataddress overflow@@(#)savemail.c 5.14 (Berkeley) 8/29/90@(#)$Id: savemail.c,v 1991/06/24 16:22:54 paul Exp $rootpostmaster savemail, ErrorMode = %c Dumping junk mailCannot parse root!savemail: ErrorMode x%x state %d wn Message from %s... Errors occurred while sending mail. rCannot open %sTranscript of session is unavailable. Transcript follows: Original message will be saved in dead.letter. cannot parse postmaster!Unable to deliver mailCan't return mail to %sz/dead.letterSaving message in %s/usr/tmp/dead.letterasavemail: unknown state %dsavemail: HELP!!!!savemail: HELP!!!!Return To Sender: msg="%s", depth=%d, CurEnv=%x, returnq=returntosender: infinite recursion on %sfbtoccReturned mail: %ssubjectnCan't parse myself!nMail Delivery SubsystemrCannot open %s ----- Transcript of session is unavailable ----- ----- Transcript of session follows ----- ----- Return message suppressed ----- ----- Unsent message follows ----- ----- Message header follows ----- ----- No message was collected -----errbody: I/O error@(#)srvrsmtp.c 5.28 (Berkeley) 6/1/90 (with SMTP)@(#)$Id: srvrsmtp.c,v 1991/06/24 20:27:06 paul Exp $ (with SMTP) =B =G =L =Q =V =[ =` =e =j =o =t =y =~ = =mailrcptdatarsetvrfyexpnhelpnoopquitheloverbonextickshowqdebugsrvrsmtp %s421%s too busy, try again latere220%sstartup421%s Lost input channel from %s<<< %s HELO%s: %s553Local configuration error, hostname not recognized as local%s (%s)250Hello %s, why do you call yourself %s?250Hello %s, pleased to meet youMAIL503Sender already specifiedNested MAIL commandSMTP-MAILSMTP%s %s: %sfrom250Sender okRCPT%s %s: %sto250Recipient ok550Addressee unknownDATA503Need valid MAIL command503Need valid RCPT (recipient)collect%s %s: %sdeliveryw250Ok250Reset stateSMTP-VRFY%s: %s250-250<%s>%s <%s>554Self destructive alias loopSMTP200OK221%s closing connection200Verbose mode200Only one transaction250OK"%s" command from %s (%s) 500Command unrecognized"%s" command unrecognized smtp: unknown code %d501Syntax errorr502HELP not implemented214-%s504HELP topic unknown214End of HELP inforuninchild: forking (pid = %d) %s: cannot fork%s: lost child@(#)stab.c 5.7 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: stab.c,v 1991/04/05 14:55:15 paul Exp $STAB: %s %d (hfunc=%d) not found type %d val %lx %lx %lx %lx entered @(#)stats.c 5.11 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: stats.c,v 1991/06/24 20:27:43 paul Exp $@(#)mailstats.h 5.4 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: mailstats.h,v 1991/06/21 12:53:40 paul Exp $@(#)sysexits.c 5.6 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: sysexits.c,v 1991/05/18 18:30:38 paul Exp $ C\ Cj C C C C C C C D D. D< DI Dc D500 Bad usage501 Data format error550 Cannot open input550 User unknown550 Host unknown554 Service unavailable554 Internal error451 Operating system error554 System file missing550 Can't create output451 I/O error250 Deferred554 Remote protocol error550 Insufficient permission554 Local configuration error554 Unknown status %d@(#)trace.c 5.6 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: trace.c,v 1991/04/05 14:55:15 paul Exp $@(#)usersmtp.c 5.15 (Berkeley) 6/1/90 (with SMTP)@(#)$Id: usersmtp.c,v 1991/06/24 20:31:15 paul Exp $ (with SMTP)smtpinit: already openuser open%s %s: %ssmtpinit: cannot open %s: stat %d errno %d %.3s %s (%s)... %s 421 %s (%s)... Deferred: %s greeting wait%s %s: %sHELO %sHELO wait%s %s: %sVERBONEXgMAIL From:<%s>MAIL From:<@%s%c%s>MAIL wait%s %s: %sRCPT To:<%s>RCPT wait%s %s: %sDATADATA wait%s %s: %s.%s>>> .result wait%s %s: %sQUITsmtpquit %s: stat %dreply 421 %s (%s)... Deferred: %s %s45While talking to %s: >>> %s <<< %s %s>>> %s%s%s @(#)util.c 5.18 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)$Id: util.c,v 1991/08/08 22:08:18 paul Exp $buffer size exceeded in capitalize(), size needed %dOut of memory!! %08x=$%c$%c%s%.*s!%s%s%.*s%s%s: unlink %s%s: unlink-fail %dlocaltimeout waiting for input from %s451 timeout waiting for inputtTyYwaitfor: wait (pid = %d) w%d Could not log daemon pid %d to file %s: %m%W%@(#)$Id: flock.c,v 1.3 1991/06/21 12:48:43 paul Exp $@(#)setenv.c 5.2 (Berkeley) 6/27/88@(#)$Id: setenv.c,v 1991/06/24 20:19:37 paul Exp $@(#)vprint.c 1.1 (USC) 2/7/89@(#)$Id: vprintf.c,v 1.3 1991/06/24 14:12:03 paul Exp $%d%d@(#)version.c 5.65 (Berkeley) 8/29/90@(#)$Id: version.c,v 1991/04/05 14:55:15 paul Exp $5.65c  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~.pag.dir.pag.dirmalloc errorlseek errorwrite errorlseek errorread errormalloc errorlseek errorwrite errorlseek errorread errorlseek errorwrite errormalloc errorlseek errorread errorlseek errorwrite errorlseek errorwrite errorgdbm fatal: %s. %d.%d.%d.%d/etc/hostsrr# /dev/net/dev/net/dev/net/dev/net/dev/net/dev/net R R R R S S S* SD SV Sh Sx S S S S S S S S T T T+ T: TK T_ Ts T T T T T T T T U U U; UN Uj U U U U U U V V V V V$ V- VE V\ Vp V V V V V V V V W W W, WJ WZ Wk W W W W W W W X X X1 XD XM XV Xq X X X X X X Y Y$ YA YR Yq Y Y Y Y Y Z& Z= Z\ Zl Z Z Z Z Z [ [/ [P [r [ [ [rError 0Not ownerNo such file or directoryNo such processInterrupted system callI/O errorNo such device or addressArg list too longExec format errorBad file numberNo child processesNo more processesNot enough spacePermission deniedBad addressBlock device requiredDevice busyFile existsCross-device linkNo such deviceNot a directoryIs a directoryInvalid argumentFile table overflowToo many open filesNot a typewriterText file busyFile too largeNo space left on deviceIllegal seekRead-only file systemToo many linksBroken pipeArgument out of domainResult too largeNo message of desired typeIdentifier removedChannel number out of rangeLevel 2 not synchronizedLevel 3 haltedLevel 3 resetLink number out of rangeProtocol driver not attachedNo CSI structure availableLevel 2 haltedError 45Error 46Error 47Error 48Error 49Bad exchange descriptorBad request descriptorMessage tables fullAnode table overflowBad request codeInvalid slotFile locking deadlockBad font file formatError 58Error 59Not a stream deviceNo data availableTimer expiredOut of stream resourcesMachine is not on the networkInode is remoteObject is remoteLink has been severedAdvertise errorSrmount errorCommunication error on sendProtocol errorCross mount pointName server not running at portMultihop attemptedInode is remoteCross mount pointNot a data messageError 78Error 79Name not unique on networkFile descriptor in bad stateRemote address changedError 83Error 84Operation would blockOperation now in progressOperation already in progressSocket operation on non-socketDestination address requiredMessage too longProtocol wrong type for socketBad protocol optionProtocol not supportedSocket type not supportedOperation not supported on socketProtocol family not supportedAddress family not supported by protocol familyAddress already in useCan't assign requested addressNetwork is downNetwork is unreachableNetwork dropped connection on resetSoftware caused connection abortConnection reset by peerNo buffer space availableSocket is already connectedSocket is not connectedCan't send after socket shutdownToo many references: can't spliceConnection timed outConnection refusedHost is downHost is unreachable/dev/net/etc/servicesrr# ,/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ] ] ] ] ] ]( ]0 ]8 ]@ ]H ]P ]X ]` ]f ]j ]o ]w ]~ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]UNKNOWNKERNUSERMAILDAEMONAUTHSYSLOGLPRNEWSUUCPRSVD9RSVD10RSVD11RSVD12RSVD13RSVD14RSVD15LOCAL_0LOCAL_1LOCAL_2LOCAL_3LOCAL_4LOCAL_5LOCAL_6LOCAL_7UNKNOWNALERTERRCRITWARNINGNOTICEINFODEBUGJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec/dev/errorw%02d-%s-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %5d %-7s %-7s %s %02d-%s-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %-7s %-7s %s :