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foot ft foot yard 3 ft yd yard rod 5.5 yd rd rod mile 5280 ft mi mile british 1200|3937 m/ft nmile 1852m acre 4840 yd2 cc cm3 liter kilocc ml milliliter / US Liquid gallon 231 in3 imperial 1.20095 gal gallon quart 1|4 gal qt quart pint 1|2 qt pt pint floz 1|16 pt fldr 1|8 floz / US Dry dry 268.8025 in3/gallon fuzz peck 8 dry-quart pk peck bushel 4 peck bu bushel / British brgallon 277.420 in3 fuzz brquart 1|4 brgallon brpint 1|2 brquart brfloz 1|20 brpint brpeck 554.84 in3 fuzz brbushel 4 brpeck / Energy Work newton kg-m/sec2 nt newton joule nt-m cal 4.1868 joule / Electrical coulomb coul ampere coul/sec amp ampere watt joule/sec volt watt/amp ohm volt/amp mho /ohm farad coul/volt henry sec2/farad weber volt-sec / Light cd candela lumen cd sr lux cd sr/m2 / Money / epoch May 18, 1977 wall st j $ dollar argentinapeso .0030 $ australiadollar 1.1065 $ austriaschilling .0597 $ belgiumfranc .0277 $ brazilcruzeiro .0733 $ britainpound 1.7187 $ canadadollar .9550 $ colombiapeso .0276 $ denmarkkrone .1663 $ equadorsucre .0365 $ finlandmarkka .2456 $ francefranc .2021 $ greecedrachma .0272 $ hongkongdollar .2134 $ indiarupee .1145 $ indonesiarupiah .00259 $ iranrial .0143 $ iraqdinar 3.41 $ israelpound .1105 $ italylira .001130 $ japanyen .003607 $ lebanonpound .3285 $ malaysiadollar .4032 $ mexicopeso .0445 $ netherlandsguilder .4080 $ newzealanddollar .9665 $ norwaykrone .1899 $ pakistanrupee .1025 $ perusol .0129 $ phillippinespeso .1345 $ portugalescudo .0259 $ saudiarabiariyal .2860 $ singaporedollar .4061 $ southafricarand 1.1522 $ southkoreawon .0021 $ spainpeseta .01451 $ swedenkrona .2296 $ switzerlandfranc .3970 $ thailandbhat .050 $ uruguaypeso .2330 $ venezuelabolivar .2335 $ germanymark .4243 $ mark germanymark bolivar venezuelabolivar peseta spainpeseta rand southafricarand escudo portugalescudo sol perusol guilder netherlandsguilder peso mexicopeso yen japanyen lira italylira dinar iraqdinar rial iranrial rupee indiarupee drachma greecedrachma franc francefranc markka finlandmarkka sucre equadorsucre pound britainpound poundsterling britainpound cruzeiro brazilcruzeiro / PDP-11 baud bit/sec byte 8 bit word 2 byte block 512 byte K 1024 word tc 578 block rktrack 12 block rkcylinder 2 rktrack rk 203 rkcylinder rptrack 10 block rpcylinder 20 rptracks rp 406 rpcylinder rftrack 8 block rfshoe 8 rftrack rfdisk 16 rfshoe rf 2 rfdisk / Trivia % 1|100 admiraltyknot 6080 ft/hr apostilb cd/pi-m2 are 1+2 m2 arpentcan 27.52 mi arpentlin 191.835 ft astronomicalunit au atmosphere 1.01325+5 nt/m2 atm atmosphere atomicmassunit 1.66044-27 kg fuzz amu atomicmassunit bag 94 lb bakersdozen 13 bar 1+5 nt/m2 barie 1-1 nt/m2 barleycorn 1|3 in barn 1-28 m2 barrel 42 gal barye 1-1 nt/m2 bev 1+9 e-volt biot 10 amp blondel cd/pi-m2 boardfoot 144 in3 bolt 40 yd bottommeasure 1|40 in britishthermalunit 1.05506+3 joule fuzz btu britishthermalunit refrigeration 12000 btu/ton-hour buck dollar cable 720 ft caliber 1-2 in calorie cal carat 205 mg cent centidollar cental 100 lb centesimalminute 1-2 grade centesimalsecond 1-4 grade century 100 year cfs ft3/sec chain 66 ft circularinch 1|4 pi-in2 circularmil 1-6|4 pi-in2 clusec 1-8 mm-hg m3/s coomb 4 bu cord 128 ft3 cordfoot cord crith 9.06-2 gm cubit 18 in cup 1|2 pt curie 3.7+10 /sec dalton amu decade 10 yr dipotre /m displacementton 35 ft3 doppelzentner 100 kg dozen 12 drop .03 cm3 dyne cm-gm/sec2 electronvolt e-volt ell 45 in engineerschain 100 ft engineerslink 100|100 ft equivalentfootcandle lumen/pi-ft2 equivalentlux lumen/pi-m2 equivalentphot cd/pi-cm2 erg cm2-gm/sec2 ev e-volt faraday 9.652+4 coul fathom 6 ft fermi 1-15 m fifth 4|5 qt fin 5 dollar finger 7|8 in firkin 9 gal footcandle lumen/ft2 footlambert cd/pi-ft2 fortnight 14 da franklin 3.33564-10 coul frigorie kilocal furlong 220 yd galileo 1-2 m/sec2 gamma 1-9 weber/m2 gauss 1-4 weber/m2 geodeticfoot british-ft geographicalmile 1852 m gilbert 7.95775-1 amp gill 1|4 pt gross 144 gunterschain 22 yd hand 4 in hectare 1+4 m2 hefnercandle 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D< S>U= :: : : :) : ;/ ; * ; ;. ;!, ;$ ;+' ;01 ;5- ;9 ;? ;G% ;L& ;O ;S ;X$ ;_ ;h( ;o ;v0 ;} ; ; ; ; ; ;+ ;PCC/364r1Release: %s abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_01234567890123456789abcdefABCDEF  01234567abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789  unexpected EOFnewline in string or char constantnon-null byte ignored in string initializerempty character constanttoo many characters in character constantunexpected EOFVARARGSLINTLIBRARYARGSUSEDNOTREACHEDillegal character: %03o (octal)illegal hex constantnewline in BCD constantBCD constant exceeds 6 charactersgcos BCD constant illegalambiguous assignment: assignment op taken=<%c illegal=>%c illegalyylex error, character %03o (octal)out of switch in yylexasmautobreakcharcasecontinuedoubledefaultdoexternelseenumforfloatfortrangotoifintlongreturnregisterswitchstructsizeofshortstatictypedefunsignedunionvoidwhilebad asm constructionbad AR_?? action%s constant argument to NOTconstant in conditional contextdivision by 0.illegal lhs of assignment operator%.8s undefinedmember of structure or union requiredillegal member use: %.8snonunique name demands struct/union or struct/union pointerstruct/union or struct/union pointer requiredbad offsetundefined structure or unionillegal member use: %.8sillegal indirectionunacceptable operand of &assignment of different structurestype clash in conditionalillegal functionillegal functionother code %dundefined structure or uniongummy structureillegal member use: perhaps %.8s.%.8s?division by 0division by 0illegal comparison of enumsenumeration type clash, operator %sillegal combination of pointer and integer, op %sillegal structure pointer combinationillegal array size combinationillegal pointer combinationpointer requiredillegal oconvert: %dillegal pointer subtractionillegal types in :void type illegal in expressionconstant expectedconstant too big for cross-compileroperands of %s have incompatible typessizeof returns 0statement not reached p _`R%.8s %05d D%.8s %05d F%.8s %05d  @  @  Axxxnull effectandable errorlong assignment may lose accuracyassignment to long may sign-extend incorrectlypossible pointer alignment problemquestionable conversion of function pointerbad conversionillegal initialization%s, line %d: nonportable field typeillegal field typerCan't open %s aCan't Open %s illegal option: %cB%d %05d bad nestingE%d %05d @(#) cxref:cxref.sl 1.5 0707070000020301651006440000020000020000031716740000017757000002000000021531usr/lib/yaccpar#sccs "@(#)yacc:yaccpar 1.1" /* ** Skeleton parser driver for yacc output */ /* ** yacc user known macros and defines */ #define YYERROR goto yyerrlab #define YYACCEPT return(0) #define YYABORT return(1) #define YYBACKUP( newtoken, newvalue )\ {\ if ( yychar >= 0 || ( yyr2[ yytmp ] >> 1 ) != 1 )\ {\ yyerror( "syntax error - cannot backup" );\ goto yyerrlab;\ }\ yychar = newtoken;\ yystate = *yyps;\ yylval = newvalue;\ goto yynewstate;\ } #define YYRECOVERING() (!!yyerrflag) #ifndef YYDEBUG # define YYDEBUG 1 /* make debugging available */ #endif /* ** user known globals */ int yydebug; /* set to 1 to get debugging */ /* ** driver internal defines */ #define YYFLAG (-1000) /* ** global variables used by the parser */ YYSTYPE yyv[ YYMAXDEPTH ]; /* value stack */ int yys[ YYMAXDEPTH ]; /* state stack */ YYSTYPE *yypv; /* top of value stack */ int *yyps; /* top of state stack */ int yystate; /* current state */ int yytmp; /* extra var (lasts between blocks) */ int yynerrs; /* number of errors */ int yyerrflag; /* error recovery flag */ int yychar; /* current input token number */ /* ** yyparse - return 0 if worked, 1 if syntax error not recovered from */ int yyparse() { register YYSTYPE *yypvt; /* top of value stack for $vars */ /* ** Initialize externals - yyparse may be called more than once */ yypv = &yyv[-1]; yyps = &yys[-1]; yystate = 0; yytmp = 0; yynerrs = 0; yyerrflag = 0; yychar = -1; goto yystack; { register YYSTYPE *yy_pv; /* top of value stack */ register int *yy_ps; /* top of state stack */ register int yy_state; /* current state */ register int yy_n; /* internal state number info */ /* ** get globals into registers. ** branch to here only if YYBACKUP was called. */ yynewstate: yy_pv = yypv; yy_ps = yyps; yy_state = yystate; goto yy_newstate; /* ** get globals into registers. ** either we just started, or we just finished a reduction */ yystack: yy_pv = yypv; yy_ps = yyps; yy_state = yystate; /* ** top of for (;;) loop while no reductions done */ yy_stack: /* ** put a state and value onto the stacks */ #if YYDEBUG /* ** if debugging, look up token value in list of value vs. ** name pairs. 0 and negative (-1) are special values. ** Note: linear search is used since time is not a real ** consideration while debugging. */ if ( yydebug ) { register int yy_i; printf( "State %d, token ", yy_state ); if ( yychar == 0 ) printf( "end-of-file\n" ); else if ( yychar < 0 ) printf( "-none-\n" ); else { for ( yy_i = 0; yytoks[yy_i].t_val >= 0; yy_i++ ) { if ( yytoks[yy_i].t_val == yychar ) break; } printf( "%s\n", yytoks[yy_i].t_name ); } } #endif /* YYDEBUG */ if ( ++yy_ps >= &yys[ YYMAXDEPTH ] ) /* room on stack? */ { yyerror( "yacc stack overflow" ); YYABORT; } *yy_ps = yy_state; *++yy_pv = yyval; /* ** we have a new state - find out what to do */ yy_newstate: if ( ( yy_n = yypact[ yy_state ] ) <= YYFLAG ) goto yydefault; /* simple state */ #if YYDEBUG /* ** if debugging, need to mark whether new token grabbed */ yytmp = yychar < 0; #endif if ( ( yychar < 0 ) && ( ( yychar = yylex() ) < 0 ) ) yychar = 0; /* reached EOF */ #if YYDEBUG if ( yydebug && yytmp ) { register int yy_i; printf( "Received token " ); if ( yychar == 0 ) printf( "end-of-file\n" ); else if ( yychar < 0 ) printf( "-none-\n" ); else { for ( yy_i = 0; yytoks[yy_i].t_val >= 0; yy_i++ ) { if ( yytoks[yy_i].t_val == yychar ) break; } printf( "%s\n", yytoks[yy_i].t_name ); } } #endif /* YYDEBUG */ if ( ( ( yy_n += yychar ) < 0 ) || ( yy_n >= YYLAST ) ) goto yydefault; if ( yychk[ yy_n = yyact[ yy_n ] ] == yychar ) /*valid shift*/ { yychar = -1; yyval = yylval; yy_state = yy_n; if ( yyerrflag > 0 ) yyerrflag--; goto yy_stack; } yydefault: if ( ( yy_n = yydef[ yy_state ] ) == -2 ) { #if YYDEBUG yytmp = yychar < 0; #endif if ( ( yychar < 0 ) && ( ( yychar = yylex() ) < 0 ) ) yychar = 0; /* reached EOF */ #if YYDEBUG if ( yydebug && yytmp ) { register int yy_i; printf( "Received token " ); if ( yychar == 0 ) printf( "end-of-file\n" ); else if ( yychar < 0 ) printf( "-none-\n" ); else { for ( yy_i = 0; yytoks[yy_i].t_val >= 0; yy_i++ ) { if ( yytoks[yy_i].t_val == yychar ) { break; } } printf( "%s\n", yytoks[yy_i].t_name ); } } #endif /* YYDEBUG */ /* ** look through exception table */ { register int *yyxi = yyexca; while ( ( *yyxi != -1 ) || ( yyxi[1] != yy_state ) ) { yyxi += 2; } while ( ( *(yyxi += 2) >= 0 ) && ( *yyxi != yychar ) ) ; if ( ( yy_n = yyxi[1] ) < 0 ) YYACCEPT; } } /* ** check for syntax error */ if ( yy_n == 0 ) /* have an error */ { /* no worry about speed here! */ switch ( yyerrflag ) { case 0: /* new error */ yyerror( "syntax error" ); goto skip_init; yyerrlab: /* ** get globals into registers. ** we have a user generated syntax type error */ yy_pv = yypv; yy_ps = yyps; yy_state = yystate; yynerrs++; skip_init: case 1: case 2: /* incompletely recovered error */ /* try again... */ yyerrflag = 3; /* ** find state where "error" is a legal ** shift action */ while ( yy_ps >= yys ) { yy_n = yypact[ *yy_ps ] + YYERRCODE; if ( yy_n >= 0 && yy_n < YYLAST && yychk[yyact[yy_n]] == YYERRCODE) { /* ** simulate shift of "error" */ yy_state = yyact[ yy_n ]; goto yy_stack; } /* ** current state has no shift on ** "error", pop stack */ #if YYDEBUG # define _POP_ "Error recovery pops state %d, uncovers state %d\n" if ( yydebug ) printf( _POP_, *yy_ps, yy_ps[-1] ); # undef _POP_ #endif yy_ps--; yy_pv--; } /* ** there is no state on stack with "error" as ** a valid shift. give up. */ YYABORT; case 3: /* no shift yet; eat a token */ #if YYDEBUG /* ** if debugging, look up token in list of ** pairs. 0 and negative shouldn't occur, ** but since timing doesn't matter when ** debugging, it doesn't hurt to leave the ** tests here. */ if ( yydebug ) { register int yy_i; printf( "Error recovery discards " ); if ( yychar == 0 ) printf( "token end-of-file\n" ); else if ( yychar < 0 ) printf( "token -none-\n" ); else { for ( yy_i = 0; yytoks[yy_i].t_val >= 0; yy_i++ ) { if ( yytoks[yy_i].t_val == yychar ) { break; } } printf( "token %s\n", yytoks[yy_i].t_name ); } } #endif /* YYDEBUG */ if ( yychar == 0 ) /* reached EOF. quit */ YYABORT; yychar = -1; goto yy_newstate; } }/* end if ( yy_n == 0 ) */ /* ** reduction by production yy_n ** put stack tops, etc. so things right after switch */ #if YYDEBUG /* ** if debugging, print the string that is the user's ** specification of the reduction which is just about ** to be done. */ if ( yydebug ) printf( "Reduce by (%d) \"%s\"\n", yy_n, yyreds[ yy_n ] ); #endif yytmp = yy_n; /* value to switch over */ yypvt = yy_pv; /* $vars top of value stack */ /* ** Look in goto table for next state ** Sorry about using yy_state here as temporary ** register variable, but why not, if it works... ** If yyr2[ yy_n ] doesn't have the low order bit ** set, then there is no action to be done for ** this reduction. So, no saving & unsaving of ** registers done. The only difference between the ** code just after the if and the body of the if is ** the goto yy_stack in the body. This way the test ** can be made before the choice of what to do is needed. */ { /* length of production doubled with extra bit */ register int yy_len = yyr2[ yy_n ]; if ( !( yy_len & 01 ) ) { yy_len >>= 1; yyval = ( yy_pv -= yy_len )[1]; /* $$ = $1 */ yy_state = yypgo[ yy_n = yyr1[ yy_n ] ] + *( yy_ps -= yy_len ) + 1; if ( yy_state >= YYLAST || yychk[ yy_state = yyact[ yy_state ] ] != -yy_n ) { yy_state = yyact[ yypgo[ yy_n ] ]; } goto yy_stack; } yy_len >>= 1; yyval = ( yy_pv -= yy_len )[1]; /* $$ = $1 */ yy_state = yypgo[ yy_n = yyr1[ yy_n ] ] + *( yy_ps -= yy_len ) + 1; if ( yy_state >= YYLAST || yychk[ yy_state = yyact[ yy_state ] ] != -yy_n ) { yy_state = yyact[ yypgo[ yy_n ] ]; } } /* save until reenter driver code */ yystate = yy_state; yyps = yy_ps; yypv = yy_pv; } /* ** code supplied by user is placed in this switch */ switch( yytmp ) { $A } goto yystack; /* reset registers in driver code */ } 0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001500000000000usr/preserve0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001300000000000TRAILER!!! yy_ps; yypv = yy_pv; } /* ** code supplied by user is placed in this switch */ switch( yytmp ) { $A } goto yystack; /* reset registers in driver code */ } 0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001500000000000usr/preserve0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001300000000000TRAILER!!! yy_ps; yypv = yy_pv; } /* ** code supplied by user is placed in this switch */ switch( yytmp ) { $A } goto yystack; /* reset registers in driver code */ } 0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001500000000000usr/preserve0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001300000000000TRAILER!!! yy_ps; yypv = yy_pv; } /* ** code supplied by user is placed in this switch */ switch( yytmp ) { $A } goto yystack; /* reset registers in driver code */ } 0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001500000000000usr/preserve0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001300000000000TRAILER!!! yy_ps; yypv = yy_pv; } /* ** code supplied by user is placed in this switch */ switch( yytmp ) { $A } goto yystack; /* reset registers in driver code */ } 0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001500000000000usr/preserve0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001300000000000TRAILER!!! yy_ps; yypv = yy_pv; } /* ** code supplied by user is placed in this switch */ switch( yytmp ) { $A } goto yystack; /* reset registers in driver code */ } 0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001500000000000usr/preserve0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001300000000000TRAILER!!! yy_ps; yypv = yy_pv; } /* ** code supplied by user is placed in this switch */ switch( yytmp ) { $A } goto yystack; /* reset registers in driver code */ } 0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001500000000000usr/preserve0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001300000000000TRAILER!!! yy_ps; yypv = yy_pv; } /* ** code supplied by user is placed in this switch */ switch( yytmp ) { $A } goto yystack; /* reset registers in driver code */ } 0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001500000000000usr/preserve0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001300000000000TRAILER!!! yy_ps; yypv = yy_pv; } /* ** code supplied by user is placed in this switch */ switch( yytmp ) { $A } goto yystack; /* reset registers in driver code */ } 0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001500000000000usr/preserve0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001300000000000TRAILER!!! yy_ps; yypv = yy_pv; } /* ** code supplied by user is placed in this switch */ switch( yytmp ) { $A } goto yystack; /* reset registers in driver code */ } 0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001500000000000usr/preserve0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001300000000000TRAILER!!! yy_ps; yypv = yy_pv; } /* ** code supplied by user is placed in this switch */ switch( yytmp ) { $A } goto yystack; /* reset registers in driver code */ } 0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001500000000000usr/preserve0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001300000000000TRAILER!!! yy_ps; yypv = yy_pv; } /* ** code supplied by user is placed in this switch */ switch( yytmp ) { $A } goto yystack; /* reset registers in driver code */ } 0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001500000000000usr/preserve0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001300000000000TRAILER!!! yy_ps; yypv = yy_pv; } /* ** code supplied by user is placed in this switch */ switch( yytmp ) { $A } goto yystack; /* reset registers in driver code */ } 0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001500000000000usr/preserve0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001300000000000TRAILER!!! yy_ps; yypv = yy_pv; } /* ** code supplied by user is placed in this switch */ switch( yytmp ) { $A } goto yystack; /* reset registers in driver code */ } 0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001500000000000usr/preserve0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001300000000000TRAILER!!! yy_ps; yypv = yy_pv; } /* ** code supplied by user is placed in this switch */ switch( yytmp ) { $A } goto yystack; /* reset registers in driver code */ } 0707070000020306570407550000000000020000020105410000017757000001500000000000usr/preserve07070700000203065704075500000000222'&%$#"!      2YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:9876543210/.-,+*)(2~}|{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\[Z