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first encounter in file %s%.1lx is not a power of 2memory allocation failure on %d-byte 'calloc' callrun is too large and complexld %s %d warning: fatal: : syntax error%s : scanned line = (%s)yacc stack overflowsyntax errorREGIONS command not allowed in a %s loadregion %s has invalid lengthvirtual 0 (paddr %.1lx) of region %s is not a multiple of 16addresses of region %s (vaddr=%.1lx len=%.1lx) exceed 64KREGIONS specification ignoredvirtual address %.1lx exceeds 0xffff: truncated to %.1lxMEMORY specification ignoredbad attribute value in MEMORY directive: %cusage of unimplemented syntaxusage of unimplemented syntaxusage of unimplemented syntaxusage of unimplemented syntaxusage of unimplemented syntaxusage of unimplemented syntaxbonding excludes alignment*group*bad flag value in SECTIONS directive: -%scan not specify an owner for section within a groupsection %s not built.tv%s is a reserved section namebonding excludes alignmentcan not bond a section within a groupcan not align a section within a groupstatement ignoredunexpected EOFbad fill valuesemicolon required after expression.text_etext_etext.data_edata_edata.bss_end_end407410413413-Finternal error: magic flagfile %s is of unknown type: magic number = %06.1xfail to read the reloc entries of section %s of %sreloc entry (%10.1lx, %ld %d) found for non-relocatable symbol, in section %s of file %sIllegal relocation type %d found in section %s in file %sfail to copy the rest of section %s of file %sfail to copy the bytes that need no reloc of section %s of file %sReloc entries out of order in section %s of file %sfail to read the field to be relocated of section %s of file %sNo reloc entry found for symbol: index %ld, section %s, file %sunknown flag: %sbond address %.2lx for %.8s is outside all configured memoryGROUPbond address %.2lx for %.8s is not in configured memoryGROUPbond address %.2lx for %.8s overlays previously allocated section %.8s at %.2lxGROUP%.8s, bonded at %.2lx, won't fit into configured memoryGROUP%.8s at %.2lx overlays previously allocated section %.8s at %.2lxGROUP%.8s enters unconfigured memory at %.2lxGROUPDSECT %.8s can't be given an ownercan't allocate section %.8s into owner %.8sDSECT %.8s can't be linked to an attributecan't allocate %.8s with attr %xinternal error: audit_groups, findsanode failureinternal error: audit_groups, address mismatchcan't allocate output section %.8s, of size %10.1lxinternal error: in allocate lists, list confusion (%d %d)misuse of DOT symbol in assignment instructionundefined symbol in expressionALIGN illegal in this contextillegal assignment of physical address to DOTphy of absolute symbol %s is illegalsymbol %s is undefinedinternal error: no symtab entry for DOToperand of PHY must be a nameillegal operator in expressionsymbol %s from file %s being redefinedabsolute symbol %s being redefined PV P` Pj P P PCPU=68010CPU=68020CPU=68010,FPU=SOFTWARECPU=68020,FPU=SOFTWARECPU=68010,FPU=SKYCPU=68020,FPU=68881CPUFPUbad CENVIRON variable: "CPU=%s,FPU=%s"68010SOFTWARESKYbad CENVIRON variable: "CPU=%s,FPU=%s"6802068881SOFTWAREbad CENVIRON variable: "CPU=%s,FPU=%s"bad CENVIRON variable: "CPU=%s,FPU=%s" resultant object marking: "%s", incompatible with CENVIRON: "CPU=%s,FPU=%s" instr.datarinstr.dataaCan't open 'instr.data'%07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld inimplemented feature: value definition for symbol %.8s*dfltmemmemory types %.8s and %.8s overlapCan't open file %sfail to read section headers of file %s` %ldcan't read archive header from archive %sarchive symbol directory is missing from archive %s execute 'ar ts %s' to restore archive symbol directorycan't read archive symbol directory number of symbols from archive %sarchive symbol table is empty in archive %s execute 'ar ts %s' to restore archive symbol tablearchive symbol directory in archive %s is too largecan't read archive symbol directory of archive %scan't read archive string table of archive %stoo few symbol names in string table for archive %s` can't read archive header of archive %s%ldinvalid archive size for file %scan't read file header of archive %sIllegal CPU/FPU in archive %s Internal error (ar/fsm) - call support can't read archive header from archive %sarchive symbol table is empty in archive %s execute 'ar ts %s' to restore archive symbol tablecan't read archive symbol table of archive %scan't read file header of archive %sIllegal CPU/FPU in archive %s Internal error (ar/fsm) - call support fail to read section headers of file %sfail to read section header of file %s.tvfile %s has a section name which is a reserved ld identifier: %.8s.tvfail to seek to symbol table of file %slibrary %s, member has no relocation informationfile %s has no relocation informationfail to read string table of file %sfail to read string table of file %sfail to read string table of file %s(common).bssr! .data*default.bond.file*GROUP containing section %.8s is too big.text*default.bond.file*adding %s(%.8s) to multiple output sections%s(%.8s) not foundattempt to decrement DOT.text.data.bss-pad%2d-.dotsection %.8s in file %s too biginternal error: split_scns, size of %.8s exceeds its new displacement%c%x%.6ssection %.8s in file %s is too big.patch0%d.patch%d.text.data.bss1.5: 3/13/83 MEMORY CONFIGURATION name origin length attributes %-8.8s %08.2lx %08.2lx RWIX LINK EDITOR MEMORY MAP output input virtual section section address size *avail* %08.2lx %08.2lx %-8.8s %08.2lx %08.2lx DSECT NOLOAD uninitialized .tv *fill* %08.2lx %08.2lx %06.2x %-8.8s %08.2lx %08.2lx %s (%d) Error(s). No output written to %sCan't create output file %sw/dev/nullwr+r+w.patchSection %.8s starts on an odd byte boundary!Symbol referencing errors. No output written to %sOutput file %s not executableCannot complete output file %s. Write error.fail to write size of string table for file %sI/O error on output file %sI/O error on output file %sI/O error on output file %sI/O error on output file %s(common)rrCan't open %sinternal error: fail to seek to the member of %sfail to read file header of %sfail to read section headers of %sfail to read section header %d of %sSeek to %s section %.8s failedSeek to %s section %.8s reloc entries failedSeek to %s section %.8s lnno failedfail to read lnno of section %.8s of file %sline nbr entry (%ld %d) found for non-relocatable symbol: section %.8s, file %s` fail to read archive header of file %s%ldinvalid archive size for file %sfail to read symbol table of file %sno string table in file %sfail to skip the aux entry of %sundefined first referenced symbol in file %-20.20s %s (cpu/fpu type collision) fail to read aux entries of file %sfail to skip the aux entries of %sfail to read aux entries of file %s.text.data.bssSections .text .data or .bss not found. Optional header may be useless_start.patch0%d.patch%dfail to write symbol name %s in string table for file %sfail to allocate %ld bytes for slotvec table%s matched with %sinternal error: symbol table overflowSymbol %s in %s is multiply defined.Symbol %s in %s is multiply defined. First defined in %sSymbol %s in %s is multiply defined.Making aux entry %d for symbol %s out of sequenceinternal error: aux table overflowOverwriting aux entry %d of symbol %sinternal error: aux table overflowinternal error: negative symbol table idinternal error: invalid symbol table idinternal error: negative aux table idinternal error: invalid aux table idfail to read symbol table of file %sno string table in file %sMultiply defined symbol %s, in %s, has more than one sizefail to read aux entries of file %sfail to skip aux entry of %sfail to skip the aux entry of %sfail to read aux entries of %sfail to skip the aux entry of %sfail to skip the mem of struct of %sinternal error: symbol table overflow.dot%03d@(#) mld:mld.sl 1.10 0707070000020302231007550000020000020000141742550000017757000001000000224514bin/mldR  deLS .textd .data eL@.bss eL eLS.lib ( (/< (N1X OQ./HJf/H#0N/N1x0<N@NVHp .N,$@ %n %n J LN^NuNVHp .N,$@Jf`rp.HnN+lXO.N1 ro B-n`p./.HnN1PO=||p.BHnNtPO/NXO%@ J LN^NuNVHp .N,$@%n J LN^NuNV. 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first encounter in file %s%.1lx is not a power of 2memory allocation failure on %d-byte 'calloc' callrun is too large and complexld %s %d warning: fatal: : syntax error%s : scanned line = (%s)yacc stack overflowsyntax errorREGIONS command not allowed in a %s loadregion %s has invalid lengthvirtual 0 (paddr %.1lx) of region %s is not a multiple of 16addresses of region %s (vaddr=%.1lx len=%.1lx) exceed 64KREGIONS specification ignoredvirtual address %.1lx exceeds 0xffff: truncated to %.1lxMEMORY specification ignoredbad attribute value in MEMORY directive: %cusage of unimplemented syntaxusage of unimplemented syntaxusage of unimplemented syntaxusage of unimplemented syntaxusage of unimplemented syntaxusage of unimplemented syntaxbonding excludes alignment*group*bad flag value in SECTIONS directive: -%scan not specify an owner for section within a groupsection %s not built.tv%s is a reserved section namebonding excludes alignmentcan not bond a section within a groupcan not align a section within a groupstatement ignoredunexpected EOFbad fill valuesemicolon required after expression.text_etext_etext.data_edata_edata.bss_end_end407410413413-Finternal error: magic flagfile %s is of unknown type: magic number = %06.1xfail to read the reloc entries of section %s of %sreloc entry (%10.1lx, %ld %d) found for non-relocatable symbol, in section %s of file %sIllegal relocation type %d found in section %s in file %sfail to copy the rest of section %s of file %sfail to copy the bytes that need no reloc of section %s of file %sReloc entries out of order in section %s of file %sfail to read the field to be relocated of section %s of file %sNo reloc entry found for symbol: index %ld, section %s, file %sunknown flag: %sbond address %.2lx for %.8s is outside all configured memoryGROUPbond address %.2lx for %.8s is not in configured memoryGROUPbond address %.2lx for %.8s overlays previously allocated section %.8s at %.2lxGROUP%.8s, bonded at %.2lx, won't fit into configured memoryGROUP%.8s at %.2lx overlays previously allocated section %.8s at %.2lxGROUP%.8s enters unconfigured memory at %.2lxGROUPDSECT %.8s can't be given an ownercan't allocate section %.8s into owner %.8sDSECT %.8s can't be linked to an attributecan't allocate %.8s with attr %xinternal error: audit_groups, findsanode failureinternal error: audit_groups, address mismatchcan't allocate output section %.8s, of size %10.1lxinternal error: in allocate lists, list confusion (%d %d)misuse of DOT symbol in assignment instructionundefined symbol in expressionALIGN illegal in this contextillegal assignment of physical address to DOTphy of absolute symbol %s is illegalsymbol %s is undefinedinternal error: no symtab entry for DOToperand of PHY must be a nameillegal operator in expressionsymbol %s from file %s being redefinedabsolute symbol %s being redefined PV P` Pj P P PCPU=68010CPU=68020CPU=68010,FPU=SOFTWARECPU=68020,FPU=SOFTWARECPU=68010,FPU=SKYCPU=68020,FPU=68881CPUFPUbad CENVIRON variable: "CPU=%s,FPU=%s"68010SOFTWARESKYbad CENVIRON variable: "CPU=%s,FPU=%s"6802068881SOFTWAREbad CENVIRON variable: "CPU=%s,FPU=%s"bad CENVIRON variable: "CPU=%s,FPU=%s" resultant object marking: "%s", incompatible with CENVIRON: "CPU=%s,FPU=%s" instr.datarinstr.dataaCan't open 'instr.data'%07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld %07ld inimplemented feature: value definition for symbol %.8s*dfltmemmemory types %.8s and %.8s overlapCan't open file %sfail to read section headers of file %s` %ldcan't read archive header from archive %sarchive symbol directory is missing from archive %s execute 'ar ts %s' to restore archive symbol directorycan't read archive symbol directory number of symbols from archive %sarchive symbol table is empty in archive %s execute 'ar ts %s' to restore archive symbol tablearchive symbol directory in archive %s is too largecan't read archive symbol directory of archive %scan't read archive string table of archive %stoo few symbol names in string table for archive %s` can't read archive header of archive %s%ldinvalid archive size for file %scan't read file header of archive %sIllegal CPU/FPU in archive %s Internal error (ar/fsm) - call support can't read archive header from archive %sarchive symbol table is empty in archive %s execute 'ar ts %s' to restore archive symbol tablecan't read archive symbol table of archive %scan't read file header of archive %sIllegal CPU/FPU in archive %s Internal error (ar/fsm) - call support fail to read section headers of file %sfail to read section header of file %s.tvfile %s has a section name which is a reserved ld identifier: %.8s.tvfail to seek to symbol table of file %slibrary %s, member has no relocation informationfile %s has no relocation informationfail to read string table of file %sfail to read string table of file %sfail to read string table of file %s(common).bssr! .data*default.bond.file*GROUP containing section %.8s is too big.text*default.bond.file*adding %s(%.8s) to multiple output sections%s(%.8s) not foundattempt to decrement DOT.text.data.bss-pad%2d-.dotsection %.8s in file %s too biginternal error: split_scns, size of %.8s exceeds its new displacement%c%x%.6ssection %.8s in file %s is too big.patch0%d.patch%d.text.data.bss1.5: 3/13/83 MEMORY CONFIGURATION name origin length attributes %-8.8s %08.2lx %08.2lx RWIX LINK EDITOR MEMORY MAP output input virtual section section address size *avail* %08.2lx %08.2lx %-8.8s %08.2lx %08.2lx DSECT NOLOAD uninitialized .tv *fill* %08.2lx %08.2lx %06.2x %-8.8s %08.2lx %08.2lx %s (%d) Error(s). No output written to %sCan't create output file %sw/dev/nullwr+r+w.patchSection %.8s starts on an odd byte boundary!Symbol referencing errors. No output written to %sOutput file %s not executableCannot complete output file %s. Write error.fail to write size of string table for file %sI/O error on output file %sI/O error on output file %sI/O error on output file %sI/O error on output file %s(common)rrCan't open %sinternal error: fail to seek to the member of %sfail to read file header of %sfail to read section headers of %sfail to read section header %d of %sSeek to %s section %.8s failedSeek to %s section %.8s reloc entries failedSeek to %s section %.8s lnno failedfail to read lnno of section %.8s of file %sline nbr entry (%ld %d) found for non-relocatable symbol: section %.8s, file %s` fail to read archive header of file %s%ldinvalid archive size for file %sfail to read symbol table of file %sno string table in file %sfail to skip the aux entry of %sundefined first referenced symbol in file %-20.20s %s (cpu/fpu type collision) fail to read aux entries of file %sfail to skip the aux entries of %sfail to read aux entries of file %s.text.data.bssSections .text .data or .bss not found. Optional header may be useless_start.patch0%d.patch%dfail to write symbol name %s in string table for file %sfail to allocate %ld bytes for slotvec table%s matched with %sinternal error: symbol table overflowSymbol %s in %s is multiply defined.Symbol %s in %s is multiply defined. First defined in %sSymbol %s in %s is multiply defined.Making aux entry %d for symbol %s out of sequenceinternal error: aux table overflowOverwriting aux entry %d of symbol %sinternal error: aux table overflowinternal error: negative symbol table idinternal error: invalid symbol table idinternal error: negative aux table idinternal error: invalid aux table idfail to read symbol table of file %sno string table in file %sMultiply defined symbol %s, in %s, has more than one sizefail to read aux entries of file %sfail to skip aux entry of %sfail to skip the aux entry of %sfail to read aux entries of %sfail to skip the aux entry of %sfail to skip the mem of struct of %sinternal error: symbol table overflow.dot%03d@(#) mld:mld.sl 1.10 0707070000020064321047550000000000020000031605760000017757000000700000011314bin/mvR  8 .text 8 .data @.bss  .lib  /< N1X OQ./HJf/H#0N09 Ny nf0. /./9 /< /<0N1OpL N^Nu. /9 N1XOJgp./. N1 XOJl90HH.N1JgJ fp09 p@H./. /9 /< /<0N1OS0m y0R0@H` .0N1$&`,S0m y0R0@H` .0N1$p gpfpyf. N1Jl. /9 /< `. /9 N1XOJg. /.N1XOJlv. /9 N1XOJf/<0N1O p09 p f~. N1`p.tN1B.pN1BJhgp09 P./. N10XO. R/9 N1XOJf".N1Jl./9 /< U`p`NVH. l/. N1tXOJm. /9 /< k`$. /.N1XOJf. /< `.N$@. HRN1XOJg*. HRN1XOJgJg.N1 S 2/f./9 /< `.N$@. LHRN1tXOJm. l/. NXO/N1tXOJl. /< `(09 Ly lf09 Ny ng. /< /<0N1PO`lp.HRN1 XOJl ./9 /< /<0N1O `8. /.N1XOJl0. /./9 /< )/<0N1OpLN^Nu.N1Jl./9 /< D`p`NVH$n(| &L` p/fIHHJf f /fRLB9 HHg |  LN^Nu | ]`NVH $n&J` /fJg$KJf J L N^NuNV. /< ~/< _/<0N1O p.N1xN^Nucpmvln%s: command must be named cp|mv|ln--defaults to `cp' cp-fmv%s: %s not found %s: cannot access %s %s : <%s> directory mv%s/%s%s: %s and %s are identical cp%s: %s: %o mode %s: cannot unlink %s cpln%s: different file system %s: no permission for %s %s: cannot open %s %s: cannot create %s %s: bad copy to %s mv%s: cannot unlink %s %s: directory %s exists %s: ?? source == target, source exists and target doesnt ...%s: cannot rename %s %s: cannot locate parent %s: directory rename only %s: no write access to %s %s: cannot link %s and %s %s: ?? cannot unlink %s .Usage: {mv|cp|ln} f1 f2 %s %s {mv|cp|ln} f1 ... fn d1 mv d1 d2@(#) fndcmd:fndcmd.sl 1.68 0707070000020064331047550000000000020000031606150000017757000001300000004370bin/newgrpR   .text .data @.bss .lib  /< N1X OQ./HJf/H#0Npf6B`"n 1"| fR .mp# N^Nup f . 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