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NXO/N1tXOJl. /< `(09 Ly lf09 Ny ng. /< /<0N1PO`lp.HRN1 XOJl ./9 /< /<0N1O `8. /.N1XOJl0. /./9 /< )/<0N1OpLN^Nu.N1Jl./9 /< D`p`NVH$n(| &L` p/fIHHJf f /fRLB9 HHg |  LN^Nu | ]`NVH $n&J` /fJg$KJf J L N^NuNV. /< ~/< _/<0N1O p.N1xN^Nucpmvln%s: command must be named cp|mv|ln--defaults to `cp' cp-fmv%s: %s not found %s: cannot access %s %s : <%s> directory mv%s/%s%s: %s and %s are identical cp%s: %s: %o mode %s: cannot unlink %s cpln%s: different file system %s: no permission for %s %s: cannot open %s %s: cannot create %s %s: bad copy to %s mv%s: cannot unlink %s %s: directory %s exists %s: ?? source == target, source exists and target doesnt ...%s: cannot rename %s %s: cannot locate parent %s: directory rename only %s: no write access to %s %s: cannot link %s and %s %s: ?? cannot unlink %s .Usage: {mv|cp|ln} f1 f2 %s %s {mv|cp|ln} f1 ... fn d1 mv d1 d2@(#) fndcmd:fndcmd.sl 1.68 R [ /P P` n hHHr6rBb@0; NJCbxjRy <` # ` n hA.N1V-@Jfp@-@Jo .r # n h(HH"|0 1g n rӨ` y < f. /<0N1XO` n hA.N1V-@Jmn y < f 9 ` 9 -@B .r //.N1PO n h(HH"|0 1g n rӨ`Ry <,`Ry <.`3 < plv Tl T"n &q "| >P#R`Ry <"`pgN 3 < `pgN p. n /(N1 XOrf& n ./< /<0N1POp.N1x n ./< H. /< N1RXO# >LJ >HgJfp. /<0N1XOp.N1x`NRy <*`Ry <&Ry <$`6Ry <(`Ry <`&Ry <`Ry <`3` ` R9 `N , n rӨ hJfJy < f.  /<0N1XOp.N1x y < fJJy <g. '/<0N1XOp.N1x  fR. PN1# `:Jy < g. N1B# ;# <`. N1B# +# < 9 # ;# <09 < H @g @g" @f. `. /9 +NLXO. `NJgJy Ag"Jy <f. /< /<0N1PO. NJgv`R |  0/8g | A8.HRN1XOJy <gBJy Af809 A԰y f(. PHRN $XOJfp`p29 <"Hg By <`Jy <,g /f&J`RKJ+fBJy <gJy Af./< /9 >LN1PO. >LN1L. >HHxHRN1PO y >H( g p.N1x.N1 SB2.  HRN1XOJf.  N1pL N^NuJy <fp`p`NVH $np./< HRN1POJfT&JJy AgJy <g|Jy <fr. HRN1XOJg\. HRN1XOJgF. HRN1tXOrfB.N Jg.Rpo .N Jgpf.0HR/< `B`pf.0HR/< K/<0N1O ` y o.HRNXOJg. HRN1tXOJfJy <gD9 gJy AgJy Af*.N1Jl.0HR/< /<0N1O Jy <fF. N n4. N갹 l./< /<0N1POpL N^Nu y < f:09 ܰy f,09 ڰy f. /<0N1XOp.N1xJy Ag4p09 29 H fBy B0y .?9 BgHRN1POJl0Rpo .NfJgpf.0HR/<  `dB`pf.0HR/< 7`Dp09 .HRN10XOJl.0HR/< t/<0N1O Jy Af>p09 .?9 BgHRN16POJl.0HR/< /<0N1O . NZ./< NNXO/HRN R`tBp09 .HRN1HXO$l0Rpo .NZJgpf.0HR/< U`XB`pf.0HR/< `8Jy Afp09 .?9 BgHRN16PO `NVH $n$. &y R$`J fx`*. BN XO# xB ` ؃ ѹ  9 . y +AHHP/9 N1,PO& 9 gHJl:p0g0. N1. /< /<0N1POp.N1xJn`^ ѹ &y +R <84S  SJf(# L N^NuNVH $n$. &y `J fx`&. BN XO# xB `؃׹  9 . y ;AHHP/9 N1,PO& 9 gHJl:p0g0. N1. /< /<0N1POp.N1xJn`b׹ &y ;R <8S  SJf0# L N^NuNVH $n$. &y < R$`J ;f`NJl4p0g*. N1. /<0N1XOp.N1x. p/NvXO# . /9 +/9 N1PO& f 9 # ;&y +R <86S ; SJfV# <L N^NuNVH $n$. &y <`J <f`NJl4p0g*. .N1. D/<0N1XOp.N1x. p/NXO# . /9 ;/9 N1PO& f# <&y ;R <8S < SJfZ# <L N^NuNVH$n&n t`  "g "| q0(y fd  q0y fPJy <g". "| qHh/< cN1PO.N1 y < fP "| q (/g: 9 >D"| . /< N1RXO-@. !/N1XO.N1F` p .N1Jgp`p.HnN1XO$lnp0f .gHn/< >/<0N1O . [/< RN1RXO-@HnHn/< ^/N1O.N1F`h. /< N1RXO-@HnJg | ` | HP/< /.N1O.N1FJ9 gN"Jg p.N1x LN^NuNVH $nt&J`d /fZgTB. HRN1tXOrf8Jy <g.N$g&/`4. /<0N1XOpL N^Nu/RJfpft `NV. /< N1XO-@.Hx/< D"| y hg0`09 "y if 09 ig. BNhpN^Nu. BN1Bp`NV y < fNH` y < fNJfpN^Nu. /< N1RXO-@0y . y < f | 1` | 3HP/< /.N1O .N1F. W/< NN1RXO-@.p/HnN1POHnN1 XOSCB1 .eg .Ef p.N1x.N1F`NVHtB/</.N1PO Gf HnHxG/.N1O nft LN^NuNVBHn/< YN1tPO-@JfnB/< gN1XO-@pgP=np0.R.N1B-@Jf p .N1xp0.././.N1,PO-@r2.gpN^Nu.N1B n B`n n  fZB ."n qJg, . q #gpѮѮ ."n#`pѮ ."n#`RR .r2.d p2n~ .`XNVB`$."n /1N1XOJfpN^NuR .mp`NqNVH Hn/.N1POJmp0.@`gB/< N1XO$mv`Jg 0.nf. /< xN1XOHn/< xN1POHn/< xN1tPOJmT0.ȰnfJJg 0.nf<.N1B | x L N^NuBB/N1PO SJf .N1B`p.Hn/N1,POrfJnfB` ?../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../..//dev/rfp020 B*Not valid for 'p' option! cannot write in <%s> //dev/ttyr/dev/ttywCannot rename (/dev/tty missing) Options must include o|i|p Pass and Rename cannot be used together `B' option is irrelevant with the '-p' option diskvolume<%s> ? Cannot read %s %s TRAILER!!!TRAILER!!!diskvolumeCannot write %s Cannot chmod <%s> (errno:%d) Use `-d' option to copy <%s> Cannot link <%s> & <%s> Cannot create directory for <%s> (errno:%d) Cannot link <%s> & <%s> <%s> ? Cannot read %s Cannot write %s Cannot chmod <%s> (errno:%d) %ld blocks Usage: cpio -o[acvBT#O#] collection %s %s cpio -i[cdmrstuvxRBT#O#f6] [pattern ...] ? %.6o%.6ho%.6ho%.6ho%.6ho%.6ho%.6ho%.6ho%.11lo%.6ho%.11lo%s%6ho%6ho%6ho%6ho%6ho%6ho%6ho%6ho%11lo%6ho%11loOut of phase--get help TRAILER!!!Rename <%s> Skipped ./...Cannot create directory for <%s> (errno:%d) Cannot create directory <%s> (errno:%d) Cannot chmod <%s> (errno:%d) Cannot chown <%s> (errno:%d) cannot unlink current <%s> (errno:%d) current <%s> newer Attempt to pass file to self! Cannot create directory for <%s> (errno:%d) Cannot mknod <%s> (errno:%d) Cannot create directory for <%s> (errno:%d) Cannot create <%s> (errno:%d) I/O failureCan't %s; aborting. read inputI/O failure on headerCan't %s; aborting. read inputI/O failureCan't write output; aborting. I/O failure on headerCan't write output; aborting. %s linked to %s Cannot create directory for <%s> (errno:%d) Cannot link <%s> & <%s>. Too many links No memory for links %-7o%-6s%-6s%-6d%7ld %s %s */bin/mkdirmkdirtapevolumefloppy %s/dev/ttywTo Exit - press followed by . To continue - insert floppy disk #%d and press the key. To EXIT - press followed by . To continue - insert the next %s and press the key. /dev/ttyr/dev/ttywWaiting for tape retension. Error opening <%s> /dev/ttyr+The %s is inserted incorrectly, it has an error, or the door is open. Please check the %s drive. /dev/ttyr+%s in progress - Do not remove the %s. Back-upReadingmissing 'd' option pwdrCannot chdir (no `d' option) Cannot chdir - no write permission Cannot chdir /etc/dismount -f >/dev/tty 2>&1/dev/ttywThe inserted floppy disk%shas an error. To EXIT - press followed by . To continue - insert floppy disk #%d of this set and press . is out of sequence or it /dev/ttyr/etc/.badlist/etc/.badlist@(#) fndcmd:fndcmd.sl 1.68 /dev/dev/R i H .textH .data  @.bss  .lib p p/< pN1X OQ./HJf/H#0NJ Hg"J fp0*./< `L N^Nup0*./< NhXOJ  g*HH @Mg @bg @cg @mf*J HgJ f B/< `0B/<  NXO`>J Hg J f.N./< NXO`.N./< NXOJ gB*HH.NP0j.N0j./< NXOJ Dg6J ,f0j.N< @-Hg ./< ` 0j./< &NdXOJ  g:0j.N1-@J ,fJg @./< +` 0j./< 2N"XO*HH @Mg @bg @cg @mf" *@H. *//< 7NPO`./< ?NXOA .N1&@ * PlA.Hk/< DNPO`A./< TNXO*gpb./`p.HRHnN1POJ 4g@ *df. _`0*HrI€g. aHnN1XO`J Hf. c`Hn/< eNPO.N1H`NVHH A-HpѮ n$h`Jg.HH.N``L N^NuBB  -fR RJp#  0f RJ *f:pѮ n# l" 9 D# J fp`p# RJ`6B `" 9 Ѐ"ЁHH0Ё#  0m 9o .fPR *fpѮ n-hRJ`8B` .Ѐ"ЁHH0Ё-@ 0m 9o`p-@HH @Hg @Lg @hg @lf p-@SRJ@HH @cg,n @Dg< @Ig4 @Og: @Ug& @Xg8`pѮ nhLGL-KJ.Lg"R`p-@|oJpѮ n-h .ofp-@-|p`p-@-|p-@Jgp`p-@GZ .r l..0` ..W .".-@f .of Jg<<0`6J f&J np0.N.HH.NU `.<0AZ`p-@. @JopѮ n-h`pѮ n-h .u-n .ug Jlp`p-@g .D-@HnL/.NPO&@Jg<-J fp# AW-H` @ogtn @dgb @igZ` @sg @ugJ @xgJG-K`*pѮ n&h f&| hJl-|B`RJg .ްmS-KҗJ.g .HSNXO@ %g<`NVH$n Jf E 0`B` ;RJm .;-@m -@R`.0@E `&p . .N10p . .N1-@ n$.` p . 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N2". `SRd ` &./*/.N2POЃ-@ת * l* HH"|0`* HHr"|0 q&HJlp` " l.N2┃fN .`,NqNVH$n* * gpoJgz* fp$-n Jf"p.B* HH/N2PO"Ӯ` * f2Jo. .n&"*m .Ѫ .pLN^Nu* g %j* ./. * HH/N2PO-@B`J* HH@g<.N2* gB* %j./. * HH/N2PO-@pgnp`hNVH nJlB n( g n D$`@ n( HH@gdt( g" nJg( f n"H ($p.B n( HH/N2PO-@Jmծ .LN^Nup`Nq0<EN@dN2NuNq0<-N@dN2BNuNVHHnN2JdXOJm n rf .` .$ n rf .` .&N2x$(fl n rfp`p-@.N2t.N2t.B/N2IPO.N2tB/./<0?/<0?/<0?N2wOp.N2xpf LN^Nu "|0]#.N2t. /N2IXO @`NVH n( HH.N24.p/N2xN@dN2NuNVH $n N2~&@ g.BB+ n 'H'HHH @ag" @rg @wg( L N^Nu `p.B/.N2PO *+f + + K`Nq0<*N@dN2 o BNuNVHA -H.0//.N2 PO$90g pLN^Nu `Nq0<,N@NuB00<N@dN2NuNVH. S0m y0R0@HLN^Nu.0p/N2XO`NVH.N$l DR$J0? g( ./90N1XO-@Jf>pLN^NuR0? .N1-@Jg ./90/.N2PO#0 U"y0# S"y0B` "y0#p`NVH$nt`". /1N.XOJg LN^NuR "y0JfR D`NVH $n&n ` =f pL N^NuRJgp`NqNVH $n&n .//<0?$HSN2MO jJg./<0?*HSN2MPO. /*/*/* /*/<0?.HSN2MOSm kRr `.p /N2XO+ HHr L N^NuNqNVHA-H.//. N2 PO$ n( g pLN^Nu `NqNVH t90HHrrf.J0g& y00f&J0f90HHrD€f.0N2`prg( 90l90HH"|0`90HHr"|0 q&H$y0 &n.0N2rf`.B/.HRN2OO @-Hg &0׹0 90l90HH"|0`90HHr"|0 q(HJ0lp` 90" 0l .0N2ԃJg> y0| 90HHrD€g.0N2rf L N^Nu `׮` /o*"/ o"oSѲWg f B @Nu Nu`NVH $n Gt` jR`.p/N2XOSmSm`* HHr L N^NuNqNV#0_ #0_./. N2|XO"nA./ NXON^NuNVH $90_`6. nA(HPNXO-n `./.NXO nA(-H . -@䰂cN Ѐ. .N2./N2|XO-@ n-H-H$n n &H`.HRNXO` L N^Nudf.HR y0_ NXO-@gJlH`@f.ծ./.HRNPOծ$n`$ծ./.N~XO`.HRNrXO`c"./. y0_ NXO-@gJn`صf .". 찁m`./.HSN@PO&n`0NVH -y0_$n&n SfL N^NuNVH-y0_$n&n (nHH-@SfLN^NuNV#0?@N^NuNV.ANm 90?@N209#0?@H@H@HN^NuNVH$n.N2BB* HH/N2POB%j* * g* LN^NuNqNVA -H././<0N2RPON^NuNVA-H./. /.N2RPON^NuNVH$nA-H|-J J-H.N2-@|P./. HnN2RPOLN^NuNVH $n&n BB0_B0_`$S0_./.N2lXOrg`p*fBtH`p-@B` .Ѐ"ЁЂr0-@tH |0 0(fJf-|-B rlgphftHJgp[fHnHSNPO&@ f pL N^Nu |0 0(g pl-@p Ђ$pnglJ0_fbpcgZp[gRR0_Sm jR@H`.N2]-@"|0 1fS0_./.N2lXOrg r[grcgrigrng$rsftHnHRHn/.//.N`pphfpѮ n h00_`|plfpѮ n h 0_`\pѮ n h 0_`DHnHR/././/.NO-@Jg .Ѯ`J0_gJfp`tHJf .`~ |0 0(ghJ0_fR0_Sm jR@H`.N2]-@"|0 1fS0_./.N2lXOrfp#0_`xp%ftHp%f`R0_Sm jR@H`.N2]-@谂f`0NVH $nGBBBBBB . rdrb@0; NJ.***.2.6Rv `v`vR0_Sm jR@H`.N2]$ r+g8r-g.r0g`SmAcp"#0pL N^NuRSoR0_Sm jR@H`.N2]$p0fpi fplR0_Sm jR@H`.N2]@ xg Xf *P gJg*R0_Sm jR@H`.N2]@`.p.HS* HH/N2POrfS`PR0_.HH"|0 1g n 0f,pѮ n xg XfpѮp-@`Jg 0.nf0.N2t |0_ L N^NuB/<0@N2XO$m:vp.Hn/N2POrgBB/N2PO SJf.N2t`Nq0<N@dN2BNu0<N@dN2NuNq0<N@dN2NuNq0<N@dN2NuNq0<N@dN2BNu o"oJWfSWf / @NuNq o"opWf / @NuNq o"ofBNu / oSJg*Vf g`BNu H!HAHNuHHDNu0<?N@dN2NuNV//$".`NV// .$". f lB@H@0B@H@`4& l//N2|PlD&$N^Nu0<XOJgp+`p-r"n |0 0(gpE`per"n`PNVJ f .fpN^Nup`NVH n f Jf ng$|0@`$|0@`$|0@ J LN^NuNVB/./././. /.N:O @ N^NuNVp././././. /.NO @ N^NuNVH<$.A-H0.H@ @fp.N2/N2XO nJfPJg n f@ nB nr pc$.p0//<0_N2pPO |0_B0( LBFCNBNr, AKNux ,<.̂(ȃ⊄(΀ȁ∀NuJf F m F BJgk [ZNu<n p.Hn* HH/N2POrf. @H` `* HHrrf"Jg jfJf* HHrD€f .NPJfJ`pfD* HHrD€f.NDSm jR. `.p. /NXO* gp`. @H`NVH$n&j *$%K* HHrD€gp`8 * l* HH"|0`* HHr"|0 q $ * l* HH"|0`* HHr"|0 q(HJlp` " l.NJo,.HS* HH/N2POg pLN^Nup`NVH $n* HHrrg** HH@f pL N^Nu* @ Jf.N jf* HHrD€f * l* HH"|0`* HHr"|0 q $ * l* HH"|0`* HHr"|0 q&HJlp` " l.Nhp`2NVH $n* HHplN * l "|0 q` "|0 q%HA&H* HHr"|0 #`.N1 @%HgV * l"* HH"|0A"jC `* HHr"|0 A"jC `d * l* "|0hA%HA&H* HH"|0`, "|0hA%HA&H* HHr"|0 #%j.N2Jg* f L N^NuNVH$n * l* HH"|0`* HHr"|0 q $l@ * l* HH"|0`* HHr"|0 q%HLN^Nul$`0<N@dN2BNu0<N@NuNVHnHxT/.N2O JlpN^Nup`0<6N@dN2Nu0<%N@dN2BNuNVH8B$lDF&.l$DF`NVH8B$.lDF&. lDFB02HBHC҂HABAЁJlDLN^NuNqNVH8BJlDF$".l"D`NVH8B .lDF$". lF lB@H@0B@H@`,& l//N2|PlDJlDLN^NuNqNVH $.$n p . N2& Ѐ"Ё"0$f J L N^NuNqNVH<zJlDD&".l&DD` NVH<z .lDD&". lDD( lB@H@40H@0H@`* l$//N2|PlS JlDL /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ] then # There's something out there. Let's see if it's worth saving. if [ -x /mnt/unix ] then # Got a good file system out there, it is OK to ask the question # find out what the user wants to do echo "\n\n\ If you have been running an older version of the software and want to retain your user files and installed programs, you will need to follow the UPGRADE procedure. Otherwise, all data on your UNIX PC will be REPLACED by the Version $VERSION Foundation Set.\n" ANSWER1="" while [ -z "$ANSWER1" ] do echo "\n\ Do you want to preserve any user files or installed software\n\ already on this hard disk (yes or no)? \c" read ANSWER1 case "$ANSWER1" in 'y' | 'Y' | 'yes' | 'Yes' | 'YES' ) ANSWER1=YES ;; 'n' | 'N' | 'no' | 'No' | 'NO' ) ANSWER1=NO ;; *) echo 'You must answer "yes" or "no" to this question.' ANSWER1="" continue ;; esac break done fi fi sync; sync; sync umount /dev/fp002 > /dev/null 2>&1 # Now update the disk based on the users answer if [ "$ANSWER1" = "YES" ] then cat /etc/update.txt ANSWER2="" while [ -z "$ANSWER2" ] do echo "\n\ Do you want to continue loading the version $VERSION software? \c" read ANSWER2 case "$ANSWER2" in 'y' | 'Y' | 'yes' | 'Yes' | 'YES' ) ANSWER2=YES ;; 'n' | 'N' | 'no' | 'No' | 'NO' ) ANSWER2=NO ;; *) echo 'You must answer "yes" or "no" to this question.' ANSWER2="" continue ;; esac break done if [ "$ANSWER2" = "NO" ] then sync; sync; sync echo "\nThe system will now reboot." /etc/reboot "Please remove the floppy disk from the drive." fi . /etc/rm3.0stuff else # user wants to load from scratch, double check to make sure REBOOT="\nTo restart the version of unix currently on the hard disk,\ntype the command 'reboot'.\n" echo "\n\n\ WARNING: If you continue all files currently\n\ on the hard disk will be erased!!" ANSWER2="" while [ -z "$ANSWER2" ] do echo "\n\ Do you really want to continue (yes or no)? \c" read ANSWER2 case $ANSWER2 in 'y' | 'Y' | 'yes' | 'Yes' | 'YES' ) break ;; 'n' | 'N' | 'no' | 'No' | 'NO' ) echo "$REBOOT" exec sh ;; *) echo 'You must answer "yes" or "no" to this question.' ANSWER2="" ;; esac done # ok, the user wants to load from scratch, do a mkfs echo "\nMaking filesystem on the hard disk ....\n" mkfs /dev/rfp002 > /dev/null 2>&1 fi # Copy the loader from the floppy to the hard disk echo "\nCopying the loader onto the hard disk ....\n" ldrcpy /dev/rfp020 /dev/rfp000 # mount the hard disk so we can copy files, etc mount /dev/fp002 /mnt # ok, time to copy the files off of this disk onto the hard disk echo "\nCopying initial $VERSION files onto hard disk filesystem ....\n" /bin/cpio -pdum /mnt < /list # make the appropriate profile the one run when booted mv /mnt/etc/profile.hd /mnt/etc/profile # all done with the hard disk, unmount it umount /dev/fp002 > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "\n\n\ You will be asked to insert the Hard Disk Boot floppy disk momentarily.\n\ This is disk (4 of ${NFLOPPYS})." sync;sync;sync echo /etc/reboot "Please insert the floppy labelled Hard Disk Boot now." #sccs "@(#)flopsys/flopfs:profile.hd 1.41" # # Installation script for loading Foundation onto Hard Disk Feb 24, 1986 # Substantially modified for 3.5 by Fred Dewey and Ed Bank, 3/86. # # set path PATH=:/bin:/usr/bin:/etc; export PATH SAVEDIR=/u/SAVE3.5 CONVDIR=/u/CONV3.5 LISTING=$SAVEDIR/listing INSTROOT=/usr/installed INSTFILE=$INSTROOT/CONTENTS UA=/usr/lib/ua SHOWFILE=$UA/Showsoft.menu REMVFILE=$UA/Uninstall.menu NFLOPPYS=`cat /etc/.nflops` export CONVDIR SAVEDIR LISTING INSTROOT INSTFILE UA NFLOPPYS ## save the profile mv /etc/profile /etc/profile.hd ## see if the system is being converted if [ -d "$CONVDIR" ] then if [ -s /etc/.version ] then VERSION=`cat /etc/.version | cut -c1-4` else VERSION="2.0" fi fOLDVER=`expr "$VERSION" '>=' 3.2` if [ "$fOLDVER" = 0 ] then ## Remove all phone manager, terminal emul and encryption modules, ## since they are no longer part of the FND set cat << -END- The telephone manager, terminal emulator, development set and encryption software are now separately installable. The old versions of the above software will now be removed. If you use any of the above software, you will need to install it after you have completed installing this foundation set. -END- else cat << -END- The terminal emulator, the telephone manager, the development set, the RS-232 expansion, and the encryption products must be reinstalled using the latest version of each. The old versions will now be removed. -END- fi ## These packages are separately installable PRODUCTS="ENCRYPTION ncryption DEVELOPMENT ATE PHONE hone \ EXPANSION xpansion LOADER oader" ## Clobber the old stuff - This breaks if PRODUCTS = "" mv /bin/wnlessmsg /usr/bin/message if [ -s "$INSTFILE" ] then cp $INSTFILE /tmp/SOFTW else > /tmp/SOFTW fi for PCKG in $PRODUCTS do grep "$PCKG " /tmp/SOFTW | \ while read PROGRAM DESC do # Remove hazardous instructions from uninstall script grep -v "telinit" $INSTROOT/$PROGRAM.un | \ grep -v ".phclr" | grep -v "lddrv[ ]*-" | \ grep -v "setgetty" | grep -v "cmbupd" > /tmp/Uninstall ## Suppress output from uninstall program. ## Substitute brief message instead. echo echo " Removing $DESC ..." echo chmod +x /tmp/Uninstall /tmp/Uninstall > /dev/null 2>&1 ## /tmp/Uninstall 2> /dev/null :: OLD WAY grep -v "$PROGRAM " $INSTFILE > /tmp/CONTENTS mv /tmp/CONTENTS $INSTROOT grep -v "$DESC" $SHOWFILE > /tmp/Showsoft.menu mv /tmp/Showsoft.menu $UA grep -v "$DESC" $REMVFILE > /tmp/Uninstall.menu mv /tmp/Uninstall.menu $UA rm -f $PROGRAM.un done done rm -f /tmp/Uninstall ## first do the phone manager rm -f /usr/bin/phnum rm -f /usr/bin/phcreate rm -f /usr/bin/phpref rm -f /usr/bin/phstub rm -f /usr/bin/Phones.sh rm -f /usr/lib/ua/phone.hlp rm -f /usr/lib/ua/Phones.form rm -f /etc/ph ## now do ATE rm -f /usr/lib/ua/te.hlp rm -f /usr/bin/async_main ## remove encrypt stuff also. Fred Dewey rm -f /usr/bin/crypt rm -f /usr/lib/makekey ## clobber the existing backup information. rm -f /etc/.lastbackup rm -f /etc/.lastpartial if [ ! -s /etc/.installdate ] then date > /etc/.installdate fi set `cat -s /etc/.installdate` cat > $UA/Backup.menu << _END_ Menu = Partial Backup includes files changed since $2 $3 Label = Backup Prompt =Complete Backup saves whole system, Partial Backup saves changed items. Name = Complete Backup - has not been done yet. Name = Partial Backup - has not been done yet. Name = Backup one user _END_ ## now update the various windows uaupd -r "Telephone" Office uaupd -r "Phone manager" Preferences uaupd -r "Phone Directory" Suffixes uaupd -r "Phone Number" Suffixes uaupd -r "Modem Profile" Suffixes uaupd -r "RS-232 Profile" Suffixes uaupd -r "Text Phone Directory" Suffixes cpio -pud $CONVDIR 2> /dev/null << -END- $UA/Preferences $UA/Suffixes $UA/Office $UA/Hardware $SHOWFILE $REMVFILE /etc/inittab /etc/lddrv/InstDrv /etc/master -END- cpio -pud $SAVEDIR 2> /dev/null << -END- $INSTFILE -END- ## The lp tree is no longer saved because the printer setup functions ## have changed. echo echo 'The current printer setup will not work with the new software.' echo 'To make your printers work again, you will need to use the' echo 'Printer Setup window in the Office.' echo rm -f /usr/spool/lp/* > /dev/null 2>&1 ls -d /usr/spool/lp/* | grep -v "/model" > /tmp/lp_list for DIR in `cat /tmp/lp_list` do rm -rf $DIR done # If serial port 0 was attached to a PRINTER if grep "PRINTER" /etc/.rs232 > /dev/null then echo "TYPE='NONE'" > /etc/.rs232 fi sleep 2 fi ## Move critical files out of the way before continuing. By linking ## these files to /tmp, they will still have good link counts and ## the fsck program should work correctly. ln /lib/shlib /tmp/ ln /dev/fp002 /tmp/ ln /dev/console /tmp/ echo "\n\nPlease insert the floppy disk labelled:" echo "\n System Software - Foundation Set (1) - 5 of ${NFLOPPYS}\n" echo "Touch to continue when ready. \c" read x echo "\n\nReading in progress - Do not remove the floppy disk." ## first remove old UNIX files before continuing rm -f /UNIX* ## ok, read in the foundation set cpio -Bicdum < /dev/rfp021 2> /dev/null if [ $? != 0 ] then cat << -END- The Foundation Set did not load properly. Possible reasons include: o The load procedure was aborted prematurely. o Your hard disk was not properly formatted. o There is a bad spot on one of the floppy disks. o There was a power surge during the copying. To try loading the Foundation Set software again, please insert the Foundation Set Floppy Boot Disk - disk 2 of ${NFLOPPYS} - in the floppy disk drive, and press when prompted. If this message appears again, try reformatting your hard disk. If that does not work, your Foundation Set diskettes may be bad. To try to reboot from the hard disk, remove the floppy disk from the drive before pressing . Please beware: there is a minimal set of unix commands on the hard disk at this time. It is NOT fully operational. -END- sync; sync; sync echo "Please wait ...\n" sleep 20 /etc/reboot "The system will now reboot." fi ## Set system date from real time clock so dates on converted files will ## be current TZ=`cat /etc/TZ`;export TZ date - ## Remove loadable driver ifiles and images (not .o files) to avoid ## possible problems loading drivers on the first boot rm -f /etc/lddrv/ifile* for DRIVER in /etc/lddrv/*.o do rm -f `echo $DRIVER | sed 's%\.o$%%'` done ## Link /u/install/.kshrc to /usr/lib/ua/.kshrc if necessary if [ ! -f /usr/lib/ua/.kshrc ] then ln /u/install/.kshrc /usr/lib/ua/.kshrc fi ## The lost+found directory needs to be created with ample space. LOSTROOT= mkdir $LOSTROOT/lost+found 2> /dev/null for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 do > $LOSTROOT/lost+found/file$I done for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 do rm -f $LOSTROOT/lost+found/file$I done ## see if the system is being converted if [ -d "$CONVDIR" ] then echo "\n\n Your system files will now be converted." echo "\n\n A log of the conversion will be saved in /usr/adm/convert.log." echo "\n\n System files will now be converted .... please wait.\n" ## All the files listed in the SPECIAL file that are tagged with a 'C' ## should be converted here, using conversion programs that combine the ## best of the old and the new, if they are different. Fred Dewey. cd /etc/convert ./convert rm -f /etc/.lastbackup /etc/.lastpartial ## Let's convert all /u/LOGNAME/.profile's to use the ## conditional shell execution. Gee, that sounds like fun. ./profconvert ## Put back the user logins for the "Others" file in /usr/lib/ua /etc/bldother > /dev/null 2>&1 cat << -END- The system will now reboot ....... -END- fi ## restart the system running Version 3.5 > /etc/mnttab # clear mount table again /usr/lib/lpshut > /dev/null 2> /dev/null sync;sync;sync sleep 3 reboot # reboot with real software R 6 @0 .text .data @ @.bss @ @0.lib p p/< pN1X OQ./HJf/H#0NXOrf. N N. \N1B. XN1BN^NuNV .SJgpѮ n Jg P -gD n X #  n # gJ f. ,/<0N1XOp.N1xN^Nu n rӐ PJg n PHH @vfP `. /<0N1XOp.N1x`NVJ Xo.G/9 XN1XOJ \o.G/9 \N1XOp.N1xN^NuNVd././. /.HnjN1OHnjN1XON^NuNVH BB/.N1POJg. /< QNXONT./< p/.N1,PO$ l . |Nr`^ y UQVQf./< pNXOrgJ y ./< N1XO./< pNXO./< N1XOB9 lpL N^NuP lp`NV y B./< pNnXORD"y #@BB/.N1POJl. /< NXONV./< p/.N1POJl. /< NvXON&N^NuNVH $nv$`֚R m L N^NuNq @ pLoader copy, version 0.2 ldrcpy: opening special file name = %sldrcpy: ioctl failed on %s ldrcpy: opening special file name = %sldrcpy: ioctl failed on %s ldrcpy: vhb read failedldrcpy: no loader on source diskLoader size is %d blocks ( %d bytes ) ldrcpy: malloc failedldrcpy: lseek to loader start (reading) failedldrcpy: loader read failedldrcpy: vhb read failed on destinationldrcpy: lseek to loader start (writing) failedldrcpy: loader write failedldrcpy: vhb write on target failedusage: ldrcpy [-f] source destination ldrcpy: not enough files specified. ldrcpy: seeking to volume home block on %sldrcpy: vhb read failedldrcpy: magic number is %x ldrcpy: checksum = %d ldrcpy: seeking to volume home block on %sldrcpy: writing to volume home block on %s@(#) flopsys:flopsys.sl 1.86 Unfortunately there is insufficient space on your system to perform the upgrade to release 3.51 while saving user files. 2000 free blocks are required to perform this upgrade. The state of the system remains unchanged and will be rebooted now. When the system comes up, please remove some files and try again. Please wait ......... 12 #sccs "@(#)flopsys/flopfs:rm3.0stuff 1.13" # shell vars for conversion SAVEDIR=/u/SAVE3.5 CONVDIR=/u/CONV3.5 LISTING=$SAVEDIR/listing VERSION="3.51" # NEEDED is the number of 512K blocks of disk space needed for conversion NEEDED=2000 # user wants to preserve his files, lets give it a shot # Check for enough free space on the hard disk, since the series of # copying done below, as well as the translations that are done # in profile.hd (after the cpio and reboot), will have catastrophic # results if disk space is too short. echo "\n\ Now checking that there is sufficient space on the hard disk.\n\n" mount /dev/fp002 /mnt /mnt/bin/df /dev/fp002 > /mnt/tmp/space rm -f /mnt/tmp/freespace ( read ROOT DEVICE SPACE JUNK1 INODES JUNK2 if [ "$SPACE" = "blocks" ] ; then SPACE=$DEVICE; INODES=$JUNK1; fi if [ "$NEEDED" -lt "$SPACE" -a "$INODES" -gt 150 ] then > /mnt/tmp/freespace fi ) < /mnt/tmp/space if [ -r /mnt/tmp/freespace ] then GOFLAG=1 else GOFLAG=0 fi rm -f /mnt/tmp/*space umount /dev/fp002 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$GOFLAG" = 1 ] then echo "\n\ There is sufficient space on the system to install $VERSION .....\n\ The installation will proceed.\n" else cat /etc/nospace.txt sync;sync;sync echo reboot fi echo "\n\n\ The installation procedure will now save special system files which may require modification as a result of the upgrade to Version $VERSION ..... please wait.\n\n\n" mount /dev/fp002 /mnt > /dev/null 2>&1 # create SAVE and CONV directories rm -rf /mnt$SAVEDIR > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf /mnt$CONVDIR > /dev/null 2>&1 mkdir /mnt$SAVEDIR > /dev/null 2>&1 mkdir /mnt$CONVDIR > /dev/null 2>&1 # For each file in the SPECIAL files list, copy files to # either the SAVEDIR or CONVDIR. Note that cpio is used to # avoid collisions between files with identical basenames. > /mnt$CONVDIR/list > /mnt$SAVEDIR/list while read FNAME SAVE CONVPROG do if [ -s "/mnt/$FNAME" ] then if [ "$SAVE" = "C" ] then echo .$FNAME >> /mnt/$CONVDIR/list else echo .$FNAME >> /mnt/$SAVEDIR/list fi fi done < /etc/convert/SPECIAL cd /mnt cpio -pud /mnt$CONVDIR 2> /dev/null < /mnt/$CONVDIR/list cpio -pud /mnt$SAVEDIR 2> /dev/null < /mnt/$SAVEDIR/list cd / rm -f /mnt/$SAVEDIR/list /mnt/$CONVDIR/list # Save the old copy of masterupd if [ -x /mnt/etc/masterupd ] then cp /mnt/etc/masterupd /mnt$SAVEDIR fi # Protect Voice Mail installations if [ -x /bin/oldmail ] then cp /mnt/bin/mail /mnt$SAVEDIR/voicemail fi # get key files in /etc out of the way so the system will reboot ok rm -f /mnt/etc/rc rm -f /mnt/etc/profile rm -f /mnt/etc/init rm -f /mnt/etc/lddrv/unix.sym umount /dev/fp002 > /dev/null 2>&1 # ok continue normally WARNING: Consult your Installation Guide before you upgrade your UNIX PC to Version 3.51. You MUST follow the recommended procedures for backing up your data and applications software. NOTE: If you have any of these software sets installed on your UNIX PC, they will be removed by the upgrade procedure: UNIX Utilities Development Set RS-232 Expansion Board You will need to replace this software with the Version 3.51 software. Consult your Installation Guide for further information. . ./bin ./bin/sh ./bin/cpio ./bin/echo ./bin/mv ./bin/cp ./bin/ln ./bin/ls ./bin/rm ./bin/mkdir ./bin/pwd ./bin/wnlessmsg ./bin/cat ./mnt ./etc ./etc/.nflops ./etc/convert/SPECIAL ./etc/mount ./etc/umount ./etc/passwd ./etc/reboot ./etc/mkfs ./etc/profile.hd ./etc/group ./etc/dismount ./etc/ldrcpy ./etc/mnttab ./dev ./dev/console ./dev/fp000 ./dev/fp002 ./dev/fp003 ./dev/fp020 ./dev/fp021 ./dev/kmem ./dev/lp ./dev/mem ./dev/null ./dev/rawlp ./dev/rfp000 ./dev/rfp002 ./dev/rfp003 ./dev/rfp020 ./dev/rfp021 ./dev/swap ./dev/syscon ./dev/systty ./dev/tty ./dev/tty000 ./dev/w1 ./dev/w2 ./dev/w3 ./dev/w4 ./dev/window ./tmp ./lib ./lib/shlib /.profile S /etc/.cleanup S /etc/.drvload C saveoldver /etc/.lineone S /etc/.linetwo S /etc/.rs232 S /etc/TZ S /etc/cleanup.wk C saveoldver /etc/gettydefs C saveoldver /etc/group S /etc/inittab C inittabconv /etc/.lpstartsched S /etc/master C masterconvert /etc/motd S /etc/namesys C namesysconv /etc/passwd C pswdconvert /etc/profile C saveoldver /etc/pwcntl S /etc/rc C rcconvert /etc/shutdown C saveoldver /etc/termcap C saveoldver /etc/lddrv/InstDrv C convbydiff /u/install/.phdir S /u/install/.profile S /u/install/Administration C instuaconvert /u/install/Environment S /u/install/Software C instuaconvert /u/tutor/.phdir S /u/tutor/.profile S /u/tutor/Environment S /u/install/Filecabinet/Profiles/300bps:Am S /u/install/Filecabinet/Profiles/1200bps:Am S /u/install/Filecabinet/Profiles/9600bps:A2 S /u/tutor/Filecabinet/Profiles/300bps:Am S /u/tutor/Filecabinet/Profiles/1200bps:Am S /u/tutor/Filecabinet/Profiles/9600bps:A2 S /usr/installed/CONTENTS S /usr/lib/crontab C crontabconv /usr/lib/ua/Administration C uaconvert /usr/lib/ua/Environment S /usr/lib/ua/Hardware C uaconvert /usr/lib/ua/Lsys2.form S /usr/lib/ua/Mail C uaconvert /usr/lib/ua/Office C offupdate /usr/lib/ua/Preferences C uaconvert /usr/lib/ua/RS232d.form C saveoldver /usr/lib/ua/Showsoft.menu C formconvert /usr/lib/ua/Software C uaconvert /usr/lib/ua/Suffixes C uaconvert /usr/lib/ua/Uninstall.menu C formconvert /usr/lib/ua/sm_ovf S /usr/lib/ua/uaterms C saveoldver /usr/lib/uucp/modemcap C saveoldver /usr/lib/uucp/L-devices S /usr/lib/uucp/L-dialcodes S /usr/lib/uucp/L.cmds S /usr/lib/uucp/L.sys S /usr/lib/uucp/L_sub S /usr/lib/uucp/L_stat S /usr/lib/uucp/R_sub S /usr/lib/uucp/R_stat S /usr/spool/uucp/LCK..ph0 S /usr/spool/uucp/LCK..ph1 S /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE S 2lkjihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<