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Hit BREAK to abort at any time.Full System test.Initialize Hard disk.Enter Bad blocks.Park Disk Heads.Reboot System.Hard Disk test.Floppy Disk test.Key board & Mouse Test.Video test.Memory & Parity test.Communication test.Modem Test.Dialer test.Processor test.Parallel Printer test.Real time clock test.Interactive device testAddress connection testData bus test(walking 1's)Random pattern testR/W memory ,check access and dirty bitsMap tests (register swapping)Reads a Parity Error to check the BSRTest 60 hz timer.Trap thru vector 14 to ROMCPU accessing invalid page test.Users accessing below 512K test.Users writing to write disabled pages test.DMA to invalid page test.Check the line printer status register.Print a rotating pattern on the printer.Interactive device test.Accesses Processor Register.Accesses I/O Address Space.Recalibrate.Format.?Read all the disk.Random seeks with read sector.Non destructive surface test.?Modify Bad Block Table.???Print Volume Home Block.???Interactive disk test.??????Surface test.Park Disk HeadsAll Black Test.All White Test.Half-Tone (Gray) Test.Vertical Bars Test.Horizontal Bars Test.Mosquito Net Test.Black pattern on white.White pattern on black.All w's.Interactive DTMF tone test for line 1 or line 2.Interactive dial pulse test for line 1 or line 2.Passive DTMF tone test.Passive dial pulse test for line 1.Passive dial pulse test for line 2.Auto answering.Self test.Data transfer loopback test.Typing Test.Mouse + Keyboard Test.Mouse Drawing.Self-test( Read/Write & Ext status ).Transfer testRead/Set real time clock.Read/Write testOperation test.Read/Set real time clock.Self-test( R/W & Ext status on port 0 )Self-test( R/W & Ext status on port 1 )Transfer test on port 0.Transfer test on port 1.Display diagnostic version number and date + directory built.Memory test.Map translation tests.Hard disk test( Drive 1 )Parity tests.60 Hz Clock testsUser I/O interrupt testHard disk test( Drive 0 )Diagnostic version.Floppy disk testTrap to PROM debuggerMap Ram test.Zilog 8530 test.Page protection testsPrinter TestsMemory test.Video test.Dialer test.Modem test.Keyboard test.Expansion memory test.Interactive device test.Intel 8274 test.Real time clock test. Command Description %d %s%s Test desc( Test num ) Subtest desc( Subtest num ) %s( %d ) %s( %d ) %s( %d ) %s( %d )(help 001) unrecognized command. S4TESTs4test Already in Remote Diagnostic! Select Baud Rate: 1. 300 2. 1200 3. 2400 4. 4800 5. Exit Choice( 1-5 ): expert>UPMPage mode %s enableddisabledPEParity interrupts %s enableddisabledLELine Printer Echo %s EnabledDisabledV SYSTEM CONFIGURATION %d bytes On-board memory. %d bytes Expansion memory. COMBO board at slot %d Tape Controller board at slot %d ** ERROR ** Test : %s Subtest: %s Pass : %d Error : %s Total number of errors is %d Test: %s, total errors:%d Subtest: %s, total errors: %d Error : %swd*AWiv3WQa{6^8$N!^w'=~'o;d :I9oL6aQ =,Xs1GYj}+HMQh*;Pi{ UNIX PC DIAGNOSTIC, MAIN MENU ----------------------------- 1) Full System test 2) Initialize Hard Disk 3) Enter Bad Blocks 4) Park Disk Heads 5) Remote Diagnostic 6) Goto Subsystem Menu 7) Reboot System Choice( 1-7 ): SUBSYSTEM MENU -------------- 1) Hard Disk 2) Floppy 3) Keyboard 4) Video 5) Memory & Parity 6) Communications 7) Modem 8) Dialer 9) Processor 10) Parallel Printer 11) Real Time Clock 12) Return to Main Menu Choice( 1-12 ): REMOTE DIAGNOSTIC ----------------- Remote diagnostic access from: 1) EIA RS232 Port 2) Modem 3) Return to Main Menu Choice( 1-3 ): UNIX PC VIDEO TEST ------------------ 0) All Black 1) All White 2) Half Tone 3) Vertical Bars 4) Horizontal Bars 5) Mosquito Net 6) Black pattern 7) White pattern 8) All w's 9) Exit. At the end of a test, press any key to get back to this menu. Choice( 0-9 Return is 0): DIAGNOSTICS - Main Board P MEMORY TEST EXPANSION MEMORY TEST MAP TRANSLATION TEST 60 HZ CLOCK TEST PARITY TEST MAP RAM TEST USER I/O INTERRUPT TEST PAGE PROTECTION TEST PRINTER TEST VIDEO TEST Commands formatted as follows: [][L | C] or [],[L | C] P[E | M] toggles Parity Enable | Page Mode LE toggles Parallel Printer Echo Mode V for Diagnostic Version, U to return to User Menu Multiple commands may be separated by ; Printer Subtest 1, Status Test. Printer Subtest 2, Transfer Test.Memory error at Address %x: Wrote %x; Read Back %x. Test will begin at %x, end at %xMemory error: Connection on address line %d is badMemory error: Connection on address line %d is bad. Wrote %x to %x, then wrote %x to %x, read back %x from %x. Data Bus Test Address Connection Test Random Pattern Test Map Translation SubtestPage dirty bit not set for page numberPage mapping error: map number, logical address, and address read back are **Page Mapping Error** Page access bit not set for page numberPage access bits wrong: page number and page bits are Subtest 1, CPU Accessing Invalid Page Subtest 2, Users Accessing Below 512K Subtest 3, Users Writing To Write Disabled Page Subtest 4, DMA to Invalid PageGSR/BSR incorrect after %s error at location %x GSR = %x BSR0 = %x BSR1 = %xNo page fault received on writeNo page fault received on readBus Error when none expectedNo Bus Error received on write, after page write being disabledDisabled Ram Writing failed at mem loc %xNo Bus error detected, while user accessing below 512K memory. Mem addr = %x Parity Test - Testing ...No Parity Interrupt at location %xBSR incorrect after parity error at location %x BSR0 = %x BSR1 = %xUnexpected parity error at location %x BSR0 = %x BSR1 = %x Timer 1/Counter 2 TESTTime out while waiting for 60Hz interrupt. User Accessing I/O SubtestNo bus error when user access I/O address %xDouble Bus ErrorType = %d, GSR = %x, BSR0 = %x, BSR1 = %x.Unexpected bus error,Unexpected NMI, PC = %x, RPS = %x GSR = %x BSR0 = %x BSR1 = %xUnexpected interrupt from level %d, PC = %x, RPS = %x GSR = %x BSR0 = %x BSR1 = %x Spurious interrupt from level %d, PC = %x, RPS = %x GSR = %x BSR0 = %x BSR1 = %x%s Interrupt level %d, PC = %x, RPS = %x GSR = %x BSR0 = %x BSR1 = %xPC = %x, RPS = %xDISK TEST The Bad Block Table contains %d entries. %s:Error during Disk Format:Response = %x%s:Not on Cylinder zero after Recal:Maybe on %d,Response = %x%s:Can't Recal:Response = %x%s:Can't Write the new VHB:Response = %x%s:Can't Write the new Bad Block Table:Response = %x Recal Disk Format Disk Disk Read Random Seek Non Destructive Surface Test Modify Bad Block Table Initialize VHB and BBT. Print Volume Home Block Surface Test (DiskTest 001) Illegal subtest number for Disk test: %d.%s:Error on Write:Response = %x,Start Block = %d%s:Error on Re-Read:Response = %x,Start Block = %d%s:Re-Read Data miscompared :Start Block = %d, Byte =%d,Received %x, Expected %x%s:Error on Check-Read:Response = %x,Start Block = %d%s:Check-Read Data miscompared :Start Block = %d, Byte =%d,Received %x, Expected %x%s:Error on Read:Response = %x,Start Block = %d %s:Initiating Check Read for pass %d Give # of Cylinders (RETURN = default of %d) : Give # of Tracks per Cylinder (RETURN = default of %d) : Give # of Sectors per Track (RETURN = default of %d) : Cylinders = %d, Tracks = %d, Sectors = %d Maximum Block = %d, Repeat count = %d %d is too large. %d is assumed. Must be a track multiple. %d is assumed. %s:Bad Block Table Overflow when adding Sector %d.%s:Bad Block Table: Multiple use of alternate %d.Added Bad Block: Cylinder %d, Track %d, Sector %d. Used Track %d as the Alternate. Deleted Bad Block: Cylinder %d, Track %d, Sector %d. Bad sector %d on device with no bad block table.%s:Disk is not S4 Format: Run the Format Test. Select disk type: Drive Type Formatted Capacity cyls heads ---------- ------------------ ---- ----- 0 - Miniscribe ( 10 Megabyte ) 612 2 1 - Atasi ( 36 Megabyte ) 645 7 2 - Maxtor ( 36 Megabyte ) 903 5 3 - Seagate ( 10 Megabyte ) 306 4 4 - Miniscribe ( 20 Megabyte ) 612 4 5 - Rodime ( 40 Megabyte ) 640 8 6 - Atasi ( 40 Megabyte ) 704 7 7 - Hitachi ( 40 Megabyte ) 714 7 8 - Miniscribe ( 40 Megabyte ) 1024 5 9 - Miniscribe ( 64 Megabyte ) 1024 8 10 - MicroSci1050 ( 40 Megabyte ) 1024 5 11 - CDC WREN ( 40 Megabyte ) 989 5 12 - Others Please select a number:( Current selection is %d ) This disk is not formatted. Initialize the %s disk ? ( ALL DATA WILL BE ERASED ! ) - Yes or No : Do you want to modify bad blocks ( Yes or No ) ? Bad block not found! Bad block table lost! Do you have an internal disk drive ( this is standard ) - Yes or No ? DMA Address Reg Error, wrote %x, read %x **Video Memory Error** Video Map Error, addr %x, wrote %x, read %x (bytes) KEYBOARD & MOUSE SUBTEST 1, Typing Test KEYBOARD & MOUSE SUBTEST 2, Mouse + Keyboard Test KEYBOARD & MOUSE SUBTEST 3, Mouse Drawing REAL TIME CLOCK TEST Read/Write Test Operation Test Interactive TestError at %s counter.Leap year is not recognized. Leap year is not handled correctly. Next leap year is not calculated correctly. %s counter is not maintained correctly. It is %s %d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d This test allows you to set or read the time and date from the real time clock. When the '>' prompt appears, enter 't'or 'd' to request the time(date) and to enter a new time(date). Press 'Return' alone to keep the old time( date ). To exit, enter 'q'. > We have a leap year. Please enter a new date?(Ex: Tues 4/12/1984) Please enter a new time?(Ex: 14:17:7) Sorry! Years must be within 1901-2099. Test succeeded with no errors detected! Printer not present.Printer is busy.Printer is selected.Printer is out of paper.Error at printer. Please record these errors! Type any key to continue.%s %s %s %s %d %s %d %x %s %d %x %s %x, %x, %x %s %x, %x, %x %s %x, %x Can't Recal Hard disk, test is aborted%s, Mem Addr = %x Map addr = %x, Map contents = %xBus%s Map Addr = %x, Map contents = %x, Mem Addr = %x%s Map addr = %x, Map contents = %x, Mem Addr = %x%s Reached Address %x %s%s %d %s %s %d ;B@'d  --More-- Enter y [Y] to Abort, Return to continue: **TEST ABORTED** Abort Remote diagnostic( Yes or No )? Do you want to abort testing( Yes or No ) ? Remote diagnostic terminated. Return to Local mode. Unsafe to abort! Waiting for incoming Data call. Remote diagnostic activated on Modem line %d Hit BREAK to abort at any time.d4e1f0 f0f.g!& '. n1: =G pJQ q;T_Icntqz}h>xi=yz?},<!+.9<CGMPVZaek/nuBy2C7DEFGHREADRDWRITEWRREADDIDRIREADTRACKRTWRITETRACKWTRESTORERSRECALRCHOMEHSEEKSSTEPFORMATFMFORCEINTFIREGISTERSRGSTATUSSTVIEWSTATUSVSTCOMMANDREGCRTRACKREGTRSECTREGSRDATAREGDRHELP?RADIXQUITQHEADHDSECTORBUFFERSBTRACKBUFFERTBIDBUFFERIBRESETMTRONMTROFFINITIALIZEIREPEATRSECCNTREGSCSECNUMREGSNCYLLOWREGCLCYLHIGHREGCHSDHREGSDHDRIVEDRDREADDRDDWRITEDWRERASEERWRSENDWRSWRFLMKWFRDSENDRDSRDFLMKRFWAITWSETDMASDMABEGDMABDMAENDDMAEDMASBCONTSBCi> %02x %02x %02x %02x ST=%02x TR=%02x SR=%02x DR=%02x %d No help. Illegal drive. %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x EF=%02x SC=%02x SN=%02x CL=%02x CH=%02x SDH=%02x ST=%02x %s ??? %04x: %04x %c.%c. d&@{2&@{dL{0d&@{Volume Name: %s Start = %d, num of block = %d, Increment = %d Cylinders=%d, tracks=%d, sectors=%d Partition %d is %d Adding block on track zero as a bad block - implies a disk that should be discarded BBT: incorrectly sorted for cylinder %d Cylinder %d Track %d Sector %d: Data lost due to alternate sector loss BBT: cylinder %d not chained correctly %s(d Hard disk restore faileddnformat: bad status = %x Disk DMA overrun/underrun, DMA count = %x Hard disk time out, status = %x Floppy timeout, status = %x*I_q|L starts at Block %d (size=%d Blocks). %s: Alien mode disabled %d Retries during Subtest %d. WINCHESTER DISK TEST FLOPPY DISK TEST WINCHESTERSYQUESTFLOPPY You can now choose to do a surface test to ensure all bad spots have been detected. This is recommended and takes at least %d minutes. Do Surface test( ALL DATA WILL BE ERASED ! ) Yes or No ? Will this system be used by more than one user( Yes or No )? Enter Swap space size in logical blocks?( Default is %d )Only subtests 1, 6, 7, 14 and 21 allowed in alien mode. Internal error:DiskTest:DiskType = %d Do you want to change the VHB on the %s drive? Bad block table saved.  Formatting cylinder %d VHB write failed. Disk needs to be re-initialized. Bad block table write failed. Disk needs to be re-initialized. Format completed. You can now choose to do a non-destructive surface test to ensure all bad spots have been detected. This test takes at least %d minutes. Do non-destructive Surface test( Yes or No )?Press RETURN to continue : Select entry format:(Return to Exit) 1 - (Cylinder, Head and Byte) 2 - Physical Sector 3 - Logical Block Which format ? Give Cylinder Number :Cylinder numbers are in the range 0 - %d. Give Head Number :Head numbers are in the range 0 - %d. Give Byte Number :No Bad Block Recovery for Floppy Disk. Give Physical Sector Number :Give Logical Block Number :Another? (Y/N: RETURN = No) :Add, Delete, Ignore?( A, D, I ) Deleting bad block failed. Response is %xWinchester Cartridge Floppy Unknown (%d) disk Volume Name: %6.6s %d Cylinders. %d Heads per Cylinder. There are %d Physical Sectors (of %d bytes) per Track. %d Physical Sectors per Cylinder, %d Physical Sectors per Disk. There are %d Logical Blocks (of 1024 bytes) per Track. %d Logical Blocks per Cylinder, %d Logical Blocks per Disk. The Floppy is Single density on Cylinder 0. Double density everywhere else. Double density Single density Head select bit 3 is valid. Reduced write current is valid. The Step Rate supplied to the Controller is %d. Old style partition table Partition %d: start Track=%d, size (in Blocks)=%d, automount on %s LoaderBad Block TableDump AreaDown Load FileBootable ProgramUnused AreaCylinder %d, Track %d, Physical Sector %d, uses Track %d as Alternate. Total space =%8d Blocks Partition %d =%8d Blocks ( SWAP ) Multi-user Single-user User space =%8d Blocks Pass %d %s %s %s %s %sPress RETURN to continue : Park Disk Heads Hard Disk parking done!Must be a track multiple. Try again with %d blocks Do you wish to have Multiple file systems partitions ( Non-standard, default is No )Yes or No ? Do not set up more than one partition unless you are an experienced UNIX system administrator. Do you wish to continue( Yes or No )? There are %d disk blocks available for the file system partitions. There can be up to 14 file system partitions. A minimum of %d blocks must be allocated for the first partition(root file system). You will be prompted for the size of each partition until all disk space has been allocated. Enter file system block size for partition %d(default is %d)?Must be a track multiple. Try again with %d blocks Root file system partition size is less than %d blocks %s %s Can't recal the %s disk, test aborted. K , `%K !#`ac %s COMMUNICATION TEST (Self-test & Transfer test) SELF-TEST TRANSFER TEST RS232 port is being used for remote diagnostic!CD not working, check plug or data pathCTS not working, check plug or data pathRI not working, check plug or data path%s %x, received : %x LP timeout, status = %x  :ZÃì, !#`ac MODEM TEST( Self-test & Transfer test ) SELF TEST failure detected. SELF TEST (B212 mode) at 300 baud . . SELF TEST (B212 mode) at 1200 baud . . Receive error - parity error, expected : Receive error - overrun error, expected : Receive error - framing error, expected : Receive error - parity and framing error, expected : Modem is being used for Remote Diagnostic!%s%s Test passed with no error detected. %s Test passed with no error detected. DATA TRANSFER TEST at 300 baud . . Test passed with no error detected. DATA TRANSFER TEST at 1200 baud . . Test passed with no error detected. Rx buffer never became ready.%s %x, received : %xE\ƅƯV8Qr0123456789*#    Prepare to test line %d, press Return to start:DIALER/TELEPHONY TEST - - INTERACTIVE DTMF TEST - - - - INTERACTIVE PULSE TEST - - Enter digit 0 - 9, *, # for dialing. To connect the hand set for conversation, enter C/c. To toggle line between hold and active, enter H/h. To quit, enter Q/q : To connect the hand set for conversation, enter C/c. To toggle line between hold and active, enter H/h. To quit, enter Q/q : Select line 1 or line 2 for testing : Detect ringing on line %d! Pulsing Line 1 . . Pulsing Line 2 . . Sounding DTMF note for line %d: - - AUTO ANSWER - - %s%s%s0 %d, %c, %s%s%s Line %d is being used for Remote Diagnostic! %s%s Waiting for incomming call! Press Break key to exit! Error in Ringing detection%sATTaAAbBBkKKgGGwWW ZZ BSShHH DKKCLLnNNoOOcCCrRRdDDcdefghij sSStTTxXXyYYfFF'"iIIjJJmMM,<-_k.>/?0)j1!a2@b3#c4$d5%e6^f7&g8*h9(i;:=+luUUvVVz aJJUVV9BBHMM0NN[{\|]}`~aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiI jJ kK lL mM nNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZeEE  #&)a,/3=7;B?BCaGLKL*Oah*S6aW[2_Bei0m=0qu0y=}a$ց$ք$և,$֊R$֍$֐aL֓֗$֛$֞B0֡a0֥֩L֯=Lֳhַ=hֻ Lֿ==}LLLLLL L  L:LYLxL!L#%BL'aL+/Bh3ah7;a2?DhIBMaAQAWa]aeihmohqshuw hy{} ׁ׃hׇׅ׉0׋fh׍O׏nבד^ו?חhיhכhםhןס hףGhץקhש׫(h׭ׯױ׵׹OCODOEOFOGOHOIOJOPOpOQOqOZ[ONPUPCLRLINRSTREFEXTPRVMSGCANBSPTABDWNNXTRETRNLFTRGTCRESAVMOVOPTCPYF1F2F3F4F5F6DELESCF7F8SPDRSMSPACEUNDREDFNDRPLRSTBRKDELCHR"'SELMRKINPMODHLP<,_->.?/)0!1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9:;+=CMDCLSOPNPNTCLRRFHCAPSLOCKPAGBEGSHIFTSHIFTHOMENDCTLCTL{[|\}]~`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZNUMLCKDEL%s Depress both keys to exit test Depress all three mouse buttons to exit testbad keymapENTERdiagnostic panic:%s d؄ؤUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUv80^ V !4!""|"#J##$b$%$%h%&H&''(())***+j+,j,-(-..V./6??          &  0 :  :  F R T Z Z T  P  \  f  p  z                                   $  .  8  B  L  V  `  j  t  ~                                    $  ( 2  6 @  H  R  \  j  t ~                     """""">k >hk>i6l`33[3c   ""00 >ccskgcc>  ?>cc`0>c``<``c>`pXlfc``?```c>8 ?ccc>``0 >ccc>ccc>>ccc~`00  0 0 >cc0!9%%%y6cccccc333?ccc?>cccc>3ccccc3???>ccscc^cccccccc`````ccc>c33c?Acwkkkccccgm[scccc>ccccccc>?cccc?>ccccco;>`?ccc?3c>cc0cc>cccccccc>cccccc6ccckkwcAccc66cccf<`0  006c >`~cc;gccc?>cc>```~cccsn>cc><f?~ccsn`c>;gcccc00<000003c33c7kkkkk;gcccc>cccc>;gccc?~cccsn``7nf>c8c>?f<ccccsnccc6cckkwcc66ccccc6 ? 8  8 8 s|???8pl.26;?CGcSunMonTuesWedThuFriSat Test WEEKDAY..WEEK DAYYEAR..YEARMONTH..MONTHDAY..DAYHOUR..HOURMINUTES.MINUTE Test LEAP YEAR setting..MINUTE..MINUTEHOUR..HOURWEEKDAY..WEEK DAYLEAP YEAR handling. Test DAY..DAYMONTH..MONTHYEAR.YEAR Weekday = %d, month = %d, day = %d, year = %d. Hour = %d, minute = %d, sec = %d. Testing . 6Tq)@q{  >@ @ @ ```Tx buffer never became ready.Transmit timeout, sending %xReceive timeout, expecting %xReceive error, expected : %x, received : %xError writing to controller, check data path wrote %x, read %xDSR or DTR not workingCTS or RTS not workingDCD or RTS not working%s, check loop-back plug or controller data path %d BaudXtalRxCkTxCk %d bits/character, %s paritynooddeven This test requires a special loopback plug. Continue( Yes or No )?EXPANSION SLOT %d: Self-testing port %d Checking RTS,DTR,CTS,DCD,DSR Testing Read/Write registers SLOT %d: Transmit from port %d. Receive from port %d Transmit using Xtal. 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