rm -f trap.mf ln MFtrap/trap.mf . /bin/sh -c '. ./trapenv; ./trapmf < MFtrap/trap1.in > /dev/null 2>&1' *** Error code 1 (ignored) diff MFtrap/trapin.log trap.log 1c1 < This is METAFONT, Version 2.71 (INIMF) 25 JAN 1992 08:58 --- > This is METAFONT, C Version 2.71 (INIMF) 7 JAN 1993 02:16 150c150 < String usage 26&83 (895&11534 still untouched) --- > String usage 26&83 (895&11544 still untouched) 176,177c176,177 < (preloaded base=trap 92.1.25) < 1113 strings of total length 20516 --- > (base=trap 93.1.7) > 1113 strings of total length 20495 *** Error code 1 (ignored) /bin/sh -c '. ./trapenv; ./trapmf < MFtrap/trap2.in > trap.fot' *** Error code 1 (ignored) diff MFtrap/trap.log trap.log 1c1 < This is METAFONT, Version 2.71 (preloaded base=trap 92.1.25) 25 JAN 1992 08:58 --- > This is METAFONT, C Version 2.71 (base=trap 93.1.7) 7 JAN 1993 02:17 1808c1808 < String usage 21&86 (866&11412 still untouched) --- > String usage 21&86 (866&11433 still untouched) 4226c4226 < String usage 39&162 (821&7731 still untouched) --- > String usage 39&162 (821&7752 still untouched) 4243c4243 < 3753 string characters out of 11484 --- > 3753 string characters out of 11505 *** Error code 1 (ignored) diff MFtrap/trap.fot trap.fot 1,3c1,2 < This is METAFONT, Version 2.71 (INIMF) < ** &trap trap < (trap.mf --- > This is METAFONT, C Version 2.71 (INIMF) > **(trap.mf 39c38 < String usage 39&162 (821&7731 still untouched) --- > String usage 39&162 (821&7752 still untouched) *** Error code 1 (ignored) ../texware/tftopl ./trap.tfm trap.pl diff MFtrap/trap.pl trap.pl /bin/sh -c '. ./trapenv; \ ../mfware/gftype -m -i ./trap.72270gf > trap.typ' diff MFtrap/trap.typ trap.typ 1c1 < This is GFtype, Version 3.1 --- > This is GFtype, C Version 3.1 3c3 < ' METAFONT output 1992.01.25:0858' --- > ' METAFONT output 1993.01.07:0217' *** Error code 1 (ignored)