The quick version of what's in the archive. See the file README if you want to know what the programs do, and the file Index if you want more specific information about what files to get, etc. bash 1.12 emacs 18.59 and 19.19 f2c VERSION 22 July 1992 22:54:52 (current as of 31 Dec 1992) gawk 2.15.4 gcc 1.42 and 2.5.8 ghostscript 2.6.1 + fixes 1-4 gnu-fileutils 3.6 gnu-shellutils 1.8 gnu-textutils 1.6 gnucpio 2.2 gnuplot 3.5 gnutar 1.11.1 groff 1.08 gzip 1.2.3 j 6.2 kermit 5A(189) mgr (demo purposes only) mtools 2.0.7 perl 4.036 sc 6.21 tcsh 6.03 tex 3.141/metafont 2.71 uw